Does the moon really affect healing?

A friend(?) told me that the moon was not in my favor for my surgery scheduled 10/22. She said several dates in Nov. were better but it is impossible to just pick my own day. She said that the healing would be slower on this date. Please tell me this is Bogus.    — Tawnda C. (posted on October 13, 2002)

October 12, 2002
HUH, this person is out of it. My wifes a nurse and said patients act wierder ariound the full moon but it doesnt affect healing. What a funny idea:) Does she use tarot cards, weegie boards and finger massages?
   — bob-haller

October 12, 2002
Maybe check her biorhythms for that date too *G*. Seriously, the moon has no more effect on healing than the man in the moon does. Go ahead with your surgery (good luck!) and steer clear of this so-called friend.
   — John Rushton

October 13, 2002
This is bogus. I'm not into astrology, but I know several people who are, and all of them will tell you that it's a lot more complicated than associating events like your birth (and surgery) with a date and then saying, "Oh, that means..." Apparently, there are a LOT of variables--you really have to know your stuff (and be good at math) to be a successful astrologer, whatever that means. Your "friend" sounds like a poser, somebody who wants to sound like she knows something you don't. Ignore her.
   — Roxanne M.

October 13, 2002
You never know with alternative ideas. Same goes with opening a fortune cookie- do you believe them? However, DO NOT let her/his words make you believe you will not recover just FINE. You must have a positive mental outlook no matter what. Think of it this way (had you believed them) still had the surgery on your "bad day" and encountered a bad expirience, would it be because of their implying YOU WILL? Or owuld it be because they knew in advance? And then what happens if you have no bad expiriences, what will they say to that? Or If you have one little set back, will they jump on it and say "see, we told you so" or will you be able to compare it to any of our little set backs from surgery. Thing is with ANY surgery there are risk, and these people know this. The best advice is to make yourself positive mentally before going in..... and one more question- were you charged money for this information?
   — Karen R.

October 13, 2002
the moon affects lots of things, the tide, crabs sloughing, fish spawning, women going into labor, and crazy people acting crazier. This is the first time that I have ever heard of it affecting wound healing though. Good Luck on your surgery.
   — Vicki L.

October 14, 2002
Ok, to a certain extent I believe in all of that Astrology stuff. I mean I'll never date another Pisces in my life. But sometimes you have to put things in perspective. Pray that your surgery goes well, and that God protects you and heals your body. God supercedes all of that moon and stars stuff. I'll pray that your surgery goes well. Trust in God and all will be ok.
   — Kimmie C.

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