Has anyone's Dr. prescribed glucosamine chondroitin?

The Dr is concerned about the status of my tissue healing from a very recent hysterectomy. She said when she operated it was difficult to clamp and suture my tissue because it sort of fell apart. She did explain the dysfunctional production of collagen runs in families. Both of my Sisters have had to had the surgery as well. Everything was falling. My question is has anyone been able as per your WL Surgeon bee able to take it? I wondered what affect it would have on my pouch????? THanks    — Amy D. (posted on October 29, 2002)

October 29, 2002
My doc has everyone pre-load with protein supplements pre-op now. It was almost an accidental discovery, but he said the tissue is not so "mushy" and whatever term he used to say "falling aparty". It's worth a try, right?
   — vitalady

October 30, 2002
I am pre-op. I have to take 3 of the horse pills a day. My Rheumy says take them all at once so I don't miss a dose. I have to see her the week before surgery. I plan to ask then about taking it after surgery. I have read online that it comes in a liquid form. If I remember right it was a little on the costly side, especially if I am only going to absorb half or less. I will post an answer when I get one, hopfully next week.
   — Tricia J.

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