does it become easiler to give blood after WLS?

I was wondering if tech's find it easier to draw blood after WLS? Thanks    — barbara A. (posted on November 17, 2002)

November 17, 2002
I was always an easy draw, but my hubby has had a horrible time with this. He is down 87 lbs amd just had his 6 month blood work done and for the first time they did it in on the very first try. Normally it would take up to 6 times to hit a vein. I dont know if it is true in everyones case but so far for him it has made a difference.
   — domestic G.

November 17, 2002
I never had any problems having blood drawn for tests because I have a very large vein in the bend of my arm but they had a terrible time starting the IV for my surgery and restarting them after surgery when it infiltrated. Now, unless I'm dehydrated badly starting IVs is a breeze. Open RNY -158 pounds
   — Patty_Butler

November 17, 2002
I was an IMPOSSIBLE stick pre-op. Sat for 2 hours one time, with hot packs, getting my arm slapped. Miserable! They can find the veins easily now, but every now & then one of 'em escapes & rolls away. But still, at least they can find them now & so I get many fewer sticks.
   — vitalady

November 17, 2002
i might have mis uderstood the question but it seems she asked give blood not take blood. I was under the understanding we had to be careful about donating blood after surgery. Am i wrong?
   — Jackiis

November 17, 2002
It was always impossible to find a vein for labs or IVs when I was that I'm at goal, it's a breeze...they're standing up all over the place! As for donating blood, our surgeon states that we should not do that anymore. RNY patients will need to supplement iron for the rest of their lives because their bodies do not absorb it from foods any longer. When we lose blood, either from trauma or blood donation, it is much more difficult for us to get our blood counts back to normal. Best wishes!
   — Diana T.

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