My wrinkle free face is going to look like a crater, How can I minimise the damaging

affect of all that loose 56 year old skin?? I have been blessed with a "pretty enough face" and when I was younger I was a "looker" even though I have never been thinner than a size 18 (now 30)now this may seem shallow and believe me I have all sorts of self esteem problems, but I am scared of how I will look. I have always been of the opinion that you can be ugly as long as you are slim! am I right ? slimness is the be all and end all in our society but is society ready for a slimmer me with acres of spare skin?    — Carol A. (posted on November 22, 2002)

November 22, 2002
I was worried about wrinkles showing up on me too. I'm 37 and I have to say after 128lb loss, I look younger now, than I did before. Atleast people keep telling me that. Alot of it is genetics too. My Mom has fantastic skin at the age of 62. Hardly a wrinkle. At your age, I really don't think you have anything to worry about.
   — Kris T.

November 22, 2002
Okay, for some reason, I thought you were thirty. Still, I wouldn't worry too much. The face seems to shrink back pretty good on all ages. It may also depend on how you have taken care of your skin in the past. Do you moisturize daily? If not, start. Sun exposure? Again, genetics plays a part in all of this too. Look at your mother's skin? How did she look at your age? Your sisters if you have any?
   — Kris T.

November 22, 2002
hi there, im 32 but have always been guessed to be in my early 20s. after surgery i do have excess skin and a little in the chin area but it hasnt made me look older at all as of yet anyway. in fact just 2 days ago i was carded for buying cigarettes. i look even younger now. good luck to you :)
   — carrie M.

November 22, 2002
You are missing an obvious point. Smoking is a huge factor in wrinkles. I am not trying to lecture but that really is something you should be concerned about.
   — Tawnda C.

November 22, 2002
Don't be afraid . Click on my name and look at my 53 year old mug. Not to darn bad , huh!!!?
   — Rose A.

November 22, 2002

   — charlene M.

November 22, 2002
i am 51 & was never ever thin so i have had a wrinkle free face all my life. did i worry what a drastic weight loss would do to my face? YOU BET I DID!!! i have lost 120 lbs so far & my face is very thin but, wrinkle free!! yayyyy!!! i do have a somewhat flabby hanging bunch of skin where i used to have 3 chins but who cares? part of it is genetics im sure as my father had no wrinkles when he died at age 69 but, i also think keeping my face clean & makeup free all my life & moisturing it also played a very big part in my skins condition today. by the way...i do smoke. people think i am in my late 30's or early 40's.
   — sheryl titone

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