for those who have medical alert type bracelets

What did you have put on the bracelet? Thanks to all who respond.    — barbara A. (posted on November 28, 2002)

November 28, 2002
Since I have other information on my Medic Alert bracelet, I just added "Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass". But in my file, I have instructions to use an endoscope to place the NG tube - to not place it blindly...JR
   — John Rushton

November 28, 2002
The one I wear says - RNY Gastric Bypass- no NG tube without endoscope - The name of my surgeon and his phone number. I wear it all the time. I had it made in gold so it looks like a bracelet. welcome to my world
   — Janet S.

November 28, 2002
You can get them at Usually what I see on them are "Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass No NG tube without scope".....any medical facility would know what the scope thing means.
   — Lynette B.

November 28, 2002
Holy cow, is EXPENSIVE! I just ordered a beautiful medical ID bracelet from for $60.95 total including shipping... I get nothing from this endorsement. Here's what I am having them engrave on it (they allow 5 lines, 20 characters/spaces per line):&quot;<br>Asthmatic/Allergic<br>to nuts, peanuts,<br>bee stings & soy<br>Gastric bypass-don't<br>scope/intubate blind&quot;<p>I figure that covers my entire medical situation; I already carry a wallet card with more details and my doctors' phone numbers.
   — Julia Z.

November 29, 2002
I also ordered my bracelet from and receive many compliments on it. I had the following information engraved: Roux-en Y Gastric Bypass Surgery, Month and Year of Surgery (8/02), My surgeon's name and phone number and the name of my blood pressure medication and dosage. I see that some have put no N/G tube without scope. That's a good idea that I didn't think of. I will however, alert all my doctors to put that in my permanent file. Good luck with your weight loss.
   — Kathleen K.

December 3, 2002
I have not had surgery yet, but I wear a medical id for my other co-morbids. I however wear a necklace that I purchased from about a year ago. It is a tiny viewer with microfilm in it. It was very inexpensive, and can be updated any time. It has the universal medical symbol on it, and it also has "look" written on it. I like it because it's something I can wear under my clothes,so I don't have to broadcast the fact that I have medical issues. All paramedics and emergency personell are trained to look for some kind of medical id, whether it's a necklace,bracelet, or even an anklet. I love mine. Check it out. :) - Autumn
   — autumn F.

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