Did anyone lose weight on depression pills?

I am still a pre-op waiting to change insurance since I was declined for the surgery in September but I find that I have been very depressed lately and my doctor wants to put me on depression medication. I am not very much for it because I feel that I may lose some weight and not qualify for the surgery once I change my insurance this month. Thanks for your input. Khadija.    — liverpool508 (posted on December 8, 2002)

December 8, 2002
I have been on meds for depression for the last six years. I found that at first I lost weight on them, but then eventually gained from taking the pills. I think it just varies with everyone and also which meds they put you on. Good luck to you and hope you start feeling better.
   — kb0lqx

December 8, 2002
try prozac, I lost 20 lbs on in when I first started taking to your doc.
   — barbara A.

December 8, 2002
Hi there Khadija! I have been on meds for depression and other problems for quite awhile, if I did lose any, it wasn't enough for any doctor to tell me that I still didn't need or couldn't have the surgery. Vi
   — Vi F.

December 8, 2002
I would like to thank everyone for the prompt answers to my question. What a wonderful group this is! I am not mistaken when I tell my friends that AMOS is my second family. I read the Message Board and the Q&A everyday and I have been able to find a great deal of comfort and solace this year - to know that I am not alone in being obese and there is this whole family out there that cares so much for me. Thanks again and I will talk to my doctor about your suggestions.
   — liverpool508

December 8, 2002
I was on very high doses of Prozac and wellbutrin for years. They never helped me lose any weight.
   — Kathy J.

December 8, 2002
I was on Wellbutrin SR 150mg 2 times a day a couple of years ago and lost about 30 lbs. It was a unexpected bonus...the depression went away and so did some fat!!! However, I soon gained back the weight a few months later. When I took Zoloft the year before, I gained about 15 lbs. My doctor said that most SSRI's (anti-depressants) can actually make you gain weight, that's why he changed me to Wellbutrin. If you are clinically depressed and your doctor recommends medicine, you shouldn't keep yourself from taking the medication just because you might lose weight. Take care.
   — lezawomack

December 9, 2002
I was on Zoloft it gave me the munchies and I ended up really packing on the pounds, I know wellbrutin causes some to loose weight just talk to your Dr and tell him you don't want to loose the weight right now.......he SHOULD understand if not time to change Drs!
   — Diana W.

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