How to be ready for Surgery

I Am having Surgery 12/18/2002 at 8:00 a.m. what can I expect in the morning & how long before I wake from it? Thank You    — Arnold J. (posted on December 17, 2002)

December 17, 2002
When I had my surgery everything moved very quickly. I was wisked in, and my IV's were started. I was taken into preop and given a treatment to numb my throat, because I had to be awake for the insertion on the air tube. Once that was in then I was out for the count. My surgery took longer because while my surgeon was experienced the hospital was doing this operation for the first time. 4 hours later I was in in recovery. Seemed like seconds. Click my name and read my profile for a more detailed description of the whole event.
   — dkinson

December 17, 2002
I was asleep during the air tube thingie. The nurse got me undressed, put on support hose (I flashed an intern by accident hee-hee! boy was he embarrassed) and the nurse got the IV in and asked me a few questions about dentures and the like, and I was rolled down the hall. That's the last thing I remembered until aobut 6 hours later. I was groggy, sleeping on and off for several more hours. Nurse gets you up to walk a few feet sometime during the night, and next morning. After that I was able to go alone. That first day after surgery was spent mostly getting pain medication and resting, watching TV and talking to my husband. When I'd get restless, I'd get up and walk down the hall for a few minutes. (this is where the bathrobe comes in handy in case they give you a too-small hospital gown.)
   — Darlene P.

December 17, 2002
hi there! :) congrats on your upcoming surgery! i got to the hospital and checked in and changed into a gown and was taken into the prep room. my surgeon was backed up with another surgery which gave me way too much time to think about things. they drugged me up to get me nice and relaxed . i was ok with it all but the drugs are normal so they did that a few times since i waited so long. my iv went in while i was dopey so i didnt feel too much. hehe! my surgery took 2 hours and all went beautiful! i woke up with the catheder and the air tube in my nose so they didnt incert it until after i was out which is cool! :)all went so good and ill be praying for you for the same! :)
   — carrie M.

December 17, 2002
hi my surgery was at 730am and the surgery was 2 and half hours and he said it was about 4 hours befor i woke up. dont worry about anything just get on the table and you will be put to sleep. ggod luck his is the bst thing i could of ever done thanks

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