OFF-TOPIC here, but does anyone know of a good cleanser and moisturizer?

I have acne rosacea and can't afford to be treated by a dermatologist. When I did go to one a couple of years ago he had me on Plexion cleanser which was great but very, very expensive. Does anyone know of a good cleanser and facial moisturizer that you can buy over the counter that won't cost an arm and a leg. I appreciate any feedback. Realizing this is not WLS related but self-esteem related! Thanks much! - Anna    — Anna L. (posted on December 31, 2002)

December 31, 2002
I have rosacea also. I didn't like anything the dermatologist game me. The winter is my biggest problem and the only moisturizer that helps me is Prescriptives Comfort Creme. I get mine at Federated department stores and it is about $30.00, but it lasts me more than half a year. As far as cleansers go I use Buff Puff facial scrubs. I buy them at Walgreens.
   — Kim F.

December 31, 2002
I don't have rosacea but I do have some skin and blemish issues. I just started using Aveeno soap and mosturizer and it has already done wonders.
   — davesband1

December 31, 2002
I don't have rosacea, but I do have very sensitive skin. I use Neutrogena products. They're gentle and non-irritating.
   — Angie M.

December 31, 2002
I don't have your same condition but do have sensitive skin combined with some adult onset acne problems. I really like the Biore products. You can get them anywhere and don't cost an absolute fortune. I use the facial cleanser, toner, and moisterizer (comes oil free or not). And the toner has tee tree oil in it, a bonus if you have any blemish tendencies.
   — Shelly S.

December 31, 2002
I have rosacea,also, and Have worked as a nurse in a Derm. office for a few years.I have used the Plexion and metrocream products. I have found that I actually do better on the Non-perscription products. I use a mild cleanser-cetephil (walmart has a generic brand, Dove Soap, or Oil of olay. I also use a cheap moisturizer-Oil of olay or just plain old lubriderm. The key to this is you need something mild and not abrasive. Avoid all gycolic products,retinol products or ones with any 'anti-wrinkle'aids in them. They will actually irritate your face. Also If you really need the Plexion-maybe just use it every other day. I am sure you were told the triggers of Rosacea- so avoid those as well. Good luck- I know it is frustrating to have a red face. One more hint- a green hued make up covers up red!!Need to check at a department store for those- I think Lancome' has a good one-expensive but good.
   — Jan S.

December 31, 2002
I swear by Cetaphil too. It's soooo gentle and still effective. I have VERY sensitive skin and it's the only thing that is non-irritating.
   — Patricia E.

December 31, 2002
I have rosacea, and I despise it so much! Anyway, I have had better luck with these 2 things than I have ever had before: for cleanser I use Nivea Gentle Moisturizing Cleanser which I get at Wal-Mart for about $5.00 bucks. It has little blue dots of something in it that leaves your pores looking smaller and that de-emphasizes bumpiness. And every day of my life now I use Clinque Super City Block 25, which is about $30.00 a tube, but goes real far. What a fantastic product!! I can't say enough about it. It's the only sun block/environmental protectant I've ever used that doesn't block my pores and cause breakouts. (Doesn't sting your eyes, either, if you're sweating from exercise.)It has a beige tint to it, but not so much that you have to look in a mirror to put it on. I just smear it on like lotion. My rosacea is under such control right now, that the redness, on a good day, is more of a healthy glow, and people are complimenting my complexion. Weird! I avoid the sun as much as possible, but even so, this Super City Block 25 has made a big difference. It protects from wind and cold, too. At the Clinique counter, I noticed that the Super City Block 12 does not say it is an environmental protectant, just a sun block, so I would definitely go with the 25. My skin is very tempermental, so this must be a gentle product. OK, I'm done witnessing! Good luck! Oh, P.S., I also use Suave Skin Therapy lotion, and it doesn't clog my pores or dry my skin, either. It's a dollar at Wal-Mart. Most other lotions (Lubriderm, Oil of O'lay ) bother me, but this particular Suave lotion ("Skin Therapy") does not.
   — Kim A.

December 31, 2002
Hey Anna, I too have rosacea and have never been give Plexion. I use metrogel/cream and wash with Cetaphil and use Cetaphil moisturizer also. They have never irritated my face. Good Luck.
   — Dot W.

December 31, 2002
Hi Anna, My son has rosacea and neither of the Rx's worked for him! Like the others, I swear my Cetaphil. It works great for him with no irritation. And what I found works best for the dryness on him is Ponds Replenishing Moisturizer. He loves it! I hope this helps.
   — Gina D.

January 1, 2003
I don't have rosacea, but have very dry skin since my surgery. I have found the products that Orgins sells to be great. You can find them in most major department stores--I know Marhsall Fields carry them. The sales girl can advise you on the different products. All of their products are made from natural stuff. Email me if you want to know the exact names.
   — barbara A.

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