The machine dried out my nose

I used the CPAP on my second sleep study Monday. The insides of my nose were a little irritated starting out and now they are so sore, with cracking at the creases such irritation I cannot stand it. Has this happened to anyone and if so, what did you put on your nose? I have been using Vaseline to keep it from drying out and hurting even worse, but it doesn't feel as if it is healing.    — Sandy T. (posted on January 9, 2003)

January 9, 2003
Definitely get the humidifier for your CPAP, it will make a world of difference. Also, if you're using the nasal pillows instead of a mask you may want to switch. I found the nasal pillows very irritating. To speed up the healing, lay a warm wet washcloth over your face for 5 to 10 minutes a few times a day, take a steamy shower with the door closed -- anything to add moisture to your nose! Good Luck - Anna LAP RNY 7/3/02 -104lbs.
   — Anna L.

January 9, 2003
Sorry I didn't remember you said it was your second sleep study! When you do get a mask of your own, I wouldn't recommend the nasal pillows. Also, I've had numerous sinus surgeries and highly recommend the AYR brand of saline nasal spray to keep the nostrils moist.
   — Anna L.

January 9, 2003
There is another product that gave me vastly more success with my dry nose. AFTER the humidifier, of course. It's called Aquaphor, will remind you of Vaseline, but a bit thinner & works better. Perhaps because it's NOT petroleum based. As far as I know, it's the only thing like it. No generics or anything yet.
   — vitalady

January 10, 2003
Were you using the mask that covers your entire nose, or the kind that goes into your nostrils? I have never been able to use the kind that goes into the nostrils, very painful and irritating...the mask that covers is much more comfortable, and not to mention, a life saver to those with sleep apnea. Just be sure to use the humidifier.
   — thekatinthehat

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