27years old is surgery appropriate?

I am so set on this surgery-but the other day a comment was made about 27yrs old being to early to consider having wls.I have always been up and down in weight and have skyrocketed to 250lbs. How does everyone feel?Any concerns I should have?I have tried many diets since 13 some are successful but the weight always comes back-I want to stop it before its too late.P.S. I have been approved and am waiting for my surgery date.    — Tonya M. (posted on February 12, 2003)

February 12, 2003
I'm 33 and two months post-op. I WISH I would have done this sooner! How do YOU feel? That's ALL that matters. Someone will always have a comment about anything you do. Just listen to what you want, and ignore the rest!
   — Diana L.

February 12, 2003
Your decision to have weight loss surgery is completely up to you! I am 29 years old and wish that I had found this surgery 5 years ago. You have plenty of years ahead of you to enjoy your new life as a LOSER. If you have done the research and know the risks and benefits of surgery, than do it NOW! You are an adult and the decision is completely up to you and NO ONE ELSE! I had a hard time telling loved ones and friends that I was going to have surgery. My best friend was very upset. She didn't speak to me for several weeks. If someone questions my decision to have WLS and has NO IDEA what it is like to be "obese", I always say "Walk a mile in my shoes and then you can tell me how you feel!" Good Luck and Best Wishes in your journey!
   — Jennifer O.

February 12, 2003
I personally think that it is up to you. I am 33 and had been dealing with weight problems my entire life. I wish I would have had it done years ago. I don't think 27 is too early if this is a life long weight problem and medically needed...What else would they have you do? wait another ten years so that your body can be that much more damaged by all of the problems that come with morbid obesity? I am glad I had mine done while my body still recovers quickly and adapts well...Do what is best for you...Take Care
   — Steve V.

February 12, 2003
I don't think 27 is too young at all!! Heck, I'm 23 and had the surgery when I was 22. I'm now 5.5 months post-op and down 103 pounds from 338 to 235. I'm feeling fabulous and am so grateful that I decided to have this surgery now rather than waiting to see if perhaps the next diet will work for me! I feel the WLS is a very personal decision. My deciding factor was realizing my dad had his first heart-attack at 30 and that I was approaching his health VERY fast. I want to live a life not to sit back and watch it being lived around me because I was too obese to enjoy. Do what YOU want to do and what YOUR comfortable with! Pay no attention to those people who say "Oh, I know someone who did it and they gained it all back" or "Your too young". This is YOUR what YOU want! Best of luck to you! HUGS
   — Christie N.

February 12, 2003
27, too young?? Not at all. I'm 31, 5'2, started at 257 3 weeks ago and am down to 225. Go for it! Don't worry about what other people say. You'll hear all kinds of different comments. Just do what's best for you. Best wishes on your journey!
   — kb0lqx

February 12, 2003
I was 26 when I had my open RNY on 8/9/02, (down 99 pounds). My surgeon introduced me to a coworker and said that I was one of his smart patients because I didn't wait until I had developed more of the co-morbs that would kill me. That I was saving my life before it needed saving. I started at 295 (heaviest 306), 5'4". Go for it. Who cares what the nay-sayers have to say.
   — [Deactivated Member]

February 12, 2003
I had my first surgery (VBG) at 21, and was revised to RNY on my 29th birthday. Even though I went thru a staple line disruption with the VBG and gained most of my weight back I am really glad I had the surgery done. The only thing I would change would to have gotten the RNY in the first place! Good Luck, I hope you get your date soon.
   — Ali M

February 12, 2003
I was 27 when I had my VBG last year. I think it is the perfect time to do WLS.
   — salymsmommy

February 12, 2003
Hi--I'm 28, and people have started saying that to me. I am post op 7 weeks. The only thing I wish is that I had done it sooner!!!! Why wait until we're 40? Skin is more supple now (hoping I won't have to TT) and although I met the qualifications for surgery I didn't have any devastating health problems like diabetes or a heart attack. You're old enough to know what you want!
   — Kimberley E.

February 12, 2003
I think 27 is not too young for the surgery. Why not have it done sooner rather than later. I checked your profile and think you have the same stat as me- I am 33 yrs old-and I am trying to have surgery. I feel like if I would of had it at the age of 27 that would of been 6 more years of good health for me. Just because you are 27, it does not mean you are not capable and mature enough to make this decision. I say GO FOR IT!!Good Luck
   — Jan S.

February 12, 2003
Too young? Not at all...I am 27 an dI had my surgery almost 4 months ago. I just wish that I had done it sooner. I am done almost 70 lbs! :-) I say go for it!
   — Jessica D

February 12, 2003
Okay, not to make light of the question but think of it this way... Pretend you have high blood pressure. You know this because the doctor has told you. Do you wait until you have a stroke or heart attack to do something about it, or do you take medication to prevent such things from happening? WLS is major, but the longer you have the excess weight the longer you're in danger of getting the co-morbids. Search YOUR heart & soul. You know what is best for you. Please keep in mind that as much as some may love us, they don't always think of what is best of us.
   — Diane S.

February 12, 2003
TOO YOUNG!??!? I am 21 and had my surgery when I was 20! Go for will be the best decision you will ever make. OPen RNY 11/15/02 - 55 lbs!
   — sandrac131

February 12, 2003
Tonya, Too young to have surgery, girl I was 28 soon to be 29 in 1 week, i had surgery 8 months ago and am down 118 pounds, My regret with the surgery is that I should have done this allot sooner!, I feel so much better and I'm actually living life, don't wait any longer.... Best of luck to you, P.s. see my profile, I know I need to update it with a new full body picutre think I'll do that this weekend, Post op 8 months down 118 pounds.
   — tannedtigress

February 13, 2003
To young for what to have 1-20 comorbidities so that your life is more difficult before surgery. I personally had no co-morbid's and am glad I got it done before it got to that point. I am 23 years old. Open RNY 10/7/02 -115 lbs.
   — Heather ..

February 13, 2003
I turned 28 one week after my surgery, and I definitely don't feel "too young" for this. I feel so fortunate to have found WLS at this stage in my life. This is the best thing you can do for yourself. And once you have made the decision, the sooner you can have the WLS, the better! I wish I had known about this surgery years ago. It would have added that many more years of YOUTH and vigor to my life!!!! Why should you suffer with obesity, and have it take away your youth, when you have this wonderful tool available to you now. Don't let anyone tell you you are too young for this. Our fat years are wasted years! ;)
   — maurer_power

February 13, 2003
Whatever age you are when you realize/decide that you have tried and failed too many times at dieting is the right age to have surgery. For me, at age 22, after 13 years of failed dieting attempts to lose my weight, I decided that there was no other choice than surgery. I was right; this is the best thing I've ever done I feel absolutely ecstatic about my decision and excited about the rest of my 20's and beyond where I'll be normal-sized and not waddling around in that huge body!! :)
   — Iris B.

February 13, 2003
I am 27 and I had my surgery 8 months ago. It's the best thing I've ever done (other than marrying my husband and having my kids). I feel so good, physically and mentally. You just need to make sure that you are really committed to taking your vitamins because we have longer to go than many of our peers and osteoporosis, etc., can be nasty. Good luck girl!
   — cjabates

February 13, 2003
Not at all! I'm 22 and I had surgery almost 2 months ago. I'm down over 41# since then.
   — Toni C.

February 13, 2003
Well it looks like everyone is supporting you with your decision, and I couldn't agree more! I just turned 32 when I had mine and have been overweight since....hmmmm....birth I think, LOL. I wish you the best of luck on this journey, and I can honestly say it has been worth every second!
   — Michele M.

February 13, 2003
Congratulations on your approval! People have so many different opinions about this surgery, but your surgeon's opinion and your own are the one's that are the most important. After I was approved I heard over and over that I was not "big enough" or that I was too young to need this surgery. Had I listened, I would still be sitting on my sofa wishing that I could be active and pain-free. If you know the risks and the lifestyle changes and feel comfortable with having surgery you are doing the right thing. I am 26 and and my weight has fluctuated wildly since childhood. Last year I realized that if I didn't do something fast I would end up like my father. He is 49 and has also struggled with his weight since he was a child. Now, after years of dieting he is a diabetic and has a multitude of other health problems. I am doing everything in my power to avoid those weight-related health problems, and I believe that surgery was the right answer for me.
   — Lydia S.

February 13, 2003
Apparently the person who had made the remark has no idea what it's like to be obese. There are so many narrow-minded people out there who think us obese individuals are lazy and have no control when it goes to eating. Like you, I had been on diets at a very young age. I remember being on a several different programs as early as elementary school!!! I had the VGB at the age of 18. I must have been a good candidate if the surgeon was willing to take me on and the insurance covered it. It failed for me...April 10th ,2002 at the age of 28 I had RNY. So far I am down 142 pounds. As far as the rude person who criticized you, ignore those kinds of remarks. There is a whole community of people here that are very supportive to your decision and great friendships can be made here. Good Luck!!
   — bevewy

February 13, 2003
You are not too young at all. If you feel that life will be better for you, I say go for it. Don't let anyone stop you or put you down, especially those that have no clue as to what it is like to be over-weight. I'm behind you. Take the extra step and go for it! GOOD LUCK!!
   — Regina C.

February 13, 2003
you've already gotten many positive responses. I'm 23, had the surgery when I was 22, 8 months ago. It was the best thing I ever could have done. I am almost at my goal weight after losing 104 lbs. I am just starting my twenties, and wanted to live "the best years of my life" thinner, not obese. And it truly has changed my life. I go out more, have more self-confidence, and just FEEL healthy! Ofcourse the decision is up to you, and make sure to realize there are complications, I had one. But overall, it's changed my life for the better. I think as long as a person is mature and knows the risks and what you have to do for yourself post-op, WLS is a good idea. Goodluck to you!
   — Lezlie Y.

February 13, 2003
Tonya, I was 26 years old when I had the surgery 10 months ago. I have lost about 150 lbs. & want to lose about 20 more. It is the best thing I have EVER done for myself. It has totally changed my life around. I weigh less now than I did in high school!!! I've been able to do things now that I never thought I could do before. I don't think you are to young at all but it is a personal decision for everyone. The younger you are to get your weight under control the better off you are in the long run!! Best of luck to you!!
   — Allison T.

February 13, 2003
I am 26 years old and will have my surgery in about a month. When I first started going to my appts for nutritionist, surgeon, endocrinologist, etc, they asked me why I wanted to have this surgery. I thought the answer was pretty apparent! But..besides the obvious, I am young. I have some co-morbs (mild hypertension, cholestrol). If I can do this while I'm young and healthier than say another 5 years down the road..why NOT do it now? Plus, I want to spend my still young years having fun. I think I've stayed in the background alot bc of my weight and not done things that looked like so much fun bc I thought ppl might be thinking "she can't do that she's too big." Even if it was my own perception, it has kept me from experiencing alot of things. I have my approval, I'm almost there. I want to enjoy everything I can. And if we are too young, what about some of the ppl in their 60's who have the surgery? Are they too old? The decision is yours. If its right for you, its right.
   — Jaime H.

February 13, 2003
I am 21 and will be having surgery soon (all WILL go well!). A good friend of mine had it 8 months ago at the age of 21. I look at it like this. I have always had a weight problem. I am 5'11" and 325. I can't do a lot of things because of my weight problem. I have health problems and social problems because of it. I see it that I am young. It is preventative of more serious problems like diabetes and heart disease. I want to be healthy. I have my whole life ahead of me. I should be healthy for it! Why spend my whole life overweight when I have this option now? If you have weighed (no pun intended) the risks and nothing else works, then go for it. Don't put it off and regret not getting it done sooner when you are older! Go for it! Email me if you need more support!
   — Erin Z.

February 13, 2003
I apologize if I repeat anything that was said, I did not read all the responses. I had surgery at 27 and the first thing my PCP said was "I really think you are too young." I responded with why should I have to wait until I am 40 years old weigh 100lbs more than I do now and most likely have more co-morbs. She totally agreed with me and was so supportive. I was at the stage of my life that I wanted to be truely happy. I just got married, I want to have children and I want to be able to play with my children. At the rate I was going I would have been 350lbs by the time I was 30. Please e-mail me if you have any questions [email protected]. Good Luck! **kelly
   — Kelly T.

February 13, 2003
I'm 32 and people say I am too young. I've been obese since it was called baby fat. You have to do what's right for you. I began the rollercoaster dealing with weight since age 12. I have exhausted all resources. And I feel WLS is my answer to better health. Pray and follow your heart.I wish you the best.
   — M M.

February 13, 2003's all up to you. But I am 27, 26 when I had the surgery ONE YEAR AGO TODAY! And, I am now sitting here 3 weeks post-op from my PS too. I could not be happier. I remember thinking last year, on my 27th birthday how happy I was compared to my 26th birthday which was the most miserable ever. If your weight is making you unhappy, and why stay unhappy longer than you have to? You have been fighting this fight for 14 years. FOURTEEN YEARS! Isn't that suffering long enough?
   — PaulaM

February 13, 2003
I am 30 and had surgery August 2002. Ive dropped 145 pounds and couldnt feel any better!! Go for it!! Being overweight most of my life, I was beginning to lose out on a lot of the things life has to offer. I didnt want to wait till I was 40 to live like I was meant to live. If anything, I would think its better to have the surgery while you're younger instead of older. Your skin is more elastic and its easier to recover from the surgery.
   — c B.

February 14, 2003
You are not too young! I am 21 and had lap rny 8-7-02. I have lost 110 pounds in 6 is so worth it! :o)
   — fropunka

February 14, 2003
Do it before you're 47 and realize that you missed out on the best years of your life!
   — jengrz

February 14, 2003
Oh sweetie! You go for it girl!! I agree with the previous person, do it now. I am 46, wish I could have had this 25 years ago!! Enjoy and live a healthy life!!! God Bless you!!
   — Gina D.

February 14, 2003
I am 26, I was 25 at the time of surgery and I am a little over a year post-op. People always ask you if you would do it again, if you knew then what you know now. I have been bouncing back and forth on that question for over a year now, and my answer is this: I would probably do it again, in about 15 more years. I know that a lot of people would not agree with me, and that's okay, because this is such a personal issue. I have a 9 year old child, I thought by having this surgery, it would improve his life as well as my own. My situation didn't work out that way, instead my son was forced to watch me almost slip away from him forever, on more than one occasion in one year's time. I knew the risks, but I didn't really believe that it could happen to me. I say 15 years, because I know that I could have raised him just fine, regardless of my weight, but that would be enough time to get him off on his own, and then I could potentially begin living life for me again at that point. I think that I hurt him a great deal this year, and I wish I could take it back. However, if it were just me I had to think about, it would have been worth everything I went through!!! So, please don't let anyone else affect your decision, this is your decision and your life. I wish you the very best in your life. Take Care!
   — Karen E.

February 14, 2003
Thanks-everyones words are encouraging. It is great to know that people you don't even know will take the time to help. I am finding myself more and more. Finding this website has been a true gift.THANKS TO EVERYONE.When I make my journey I'll keep you posted.Hopefully in 6-8 weeks with the first available date.TONYA
   — Tonya M.

February 14, 2003
I was one month off 26 when I had WSL. They - doctors - thought I was an ideal age for healing.
   — Gremlin Q.

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