I am 4 months post-op & pregnant. Is ther any info out there?

I am 4 months post-op and pregnant. This is not planned but it has happened. I would like some information and input from others that may have faced this similiar situation. What was the outcome of your pregnancy?    — Stephanie J. (posted on March 1, 2003)

March 1, 2003
Hi I am still pre-op so i haven't been through this but I understand that there is a web site or message board on yahoo for women who have gotten pregnant after wls so you may want to check out yahoo. good luck and God Bless.
   — tracy W.

March 1, 2003
Hi I am still pre-op so i haven't been through this but I understand that there is a web site or message board on yahoo for women who have gotten pregnant after wls so you may want to check out yahoo. good luck and God Bless.
   — tracy W.

March 1, 2003
Go to and click on groups. Then do a search on ossg pregnancy (ossg stands for obesity surgery support group). I was way past child-bearing age when I had my surgery, but I understand this is a fairly active group so you should be able to connect with others in that group. Good luck and congratulations!
   — garw

March 1, 2003
Hi there...I am 9 months post-op, and 6 months pregnant. My surgery anniversary and due date are both May 23. This was definity unplanned, but I consider it a complete blessing. Being pregnant was very difficult for me in the first couple of months. I was just getting to know my new body, and then it all changed. I did not keep any food down for almost the whole first trimester. My surgeon and nutritionist told me it was completly possible for me to have a healthy pregnancy, so after finding a OB that was CONCERNED and WILLING, I have put my baby's well-being into his hands. I am still loosing weight, slowly. I havent gained anything. The OB orders frequent ultrasounds to monitor the baby's growth, and frequesnt blood work to make sure everything is normal. Let me tell you, I feel so much better knowing I am in good hands. My baby is perfect. He is growing, and actully is gaining weight rapidly now. My vitimins are good although I can hardly keep down any protien. WE ARE NORMAL!!!!! I would talk to your surgeon, and let him know. See if he can recommmend an OB who is familiar with the surgery. If not, look until you feel comfortable with one that wants to learn. As long as you keep your vitimins down, and try to eat a little bit more if you can. Don't worry if you get blasted a little from some people (from this site) about becoming pregnant so soon. I have recieved some of the worst emails ever, and although they made me feel low at first, I feel WONDERFUL about the little life I am bring into this world. Take care of yourself, and feel free to contact me if you want to know anything specific. :-)Heather -119lbs
   — hrussinko

March 2, 2003
I just read the previous poster's answer and I'm really ticked off. How dare anyone send you nasty grams because you're pregnant. One of the things about this surgery is that it throws your hormones complete out of whack and normal methods of birth control don't always work. I seriously doubt that anyone who gets pregnant within the first year after WLS planned it that way. I'm glad you and your baby are doing well. Also to the original poster, you might want to look for an OB/GYN who specializes in high risk pregnancies if your WLS surgeon can't recommend anyone.
   — garw

March 2, 2003
I know a woman on my other website who got pregnant two WEEKS post op. In december, she delivered a VERY HEALTHY baby girl. She did see a high risk obgyn during her pregnancy. if you go to and make a post for "nursie" that is her handle, i'm sure she would be glad to talk with you
   — Jennifer S.

March 2, 2003
I know I am a bit late posting to this question but I wanted to share what my WLS surgeon told me a few weeks ago. I am just over 4 months out and 41 years old. I would like to try to conceive another child and told him that due to my age, I couldn't realistically wait the recommended 12-18 mos. post op. He said that he would be happy with me waiting till I was six months post op as it would allow me to be more accustomed to my 'new' body and allow my wait to stabilize a bit more. I know that I will need to see a high risk OB-GYN due to problems from previous pregnancies, so that is to be expected. Just wanted to share a different medical perspective than what is previously stated on here.
   — TanaMom2JAM

March 4, 2003
I am 4 months post-op too, and just found out I am six weeks pregnant. I've lost 75 pounds since surgery, and have continued to lose through these past six weeks. This concerns me. My surgeon doesn't sound nearly as optimistic as those mentioned here. He says that I have a good chance of dying from liver failure, and that it is likely the baby won't get the nutrients (s)he needs. I'm looking for more info on the web, but I haven't found much.
   — Jamie R.

March 4, 2003

   — Karen R.

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