Seeking Others Who Have Met Goal But Cannot Stop Losing.

I am 1 year and 1 week post op. I currently weigh 108 pounds and am 5'1", I am below my goal but feel pretty good. The doctor told me at my last visit 3 months ago that he thought I'd stabilize about 115 but I seem to keep losing. I do eat what I think is a lot compared to what I could eat last summer. Does malabsorption slow down? How concerned should I be? The doctor had told me to add a protein snack during the day, which I have. I also will eat dessert every day (a cookie or two) in an attempt to boost the calories. Of course I am afraid of adding empty calories which is a habit I don't want to be in, but I just want to know if anyone else has had this problem and what should I do? Thanks Erika lap RNY 3/1/02 232--original weight 108--current weight    — Erika V. (posted on March 9, 2003)

March 9, 2003
I am 5'1". I hit 104 before I stopped and bounced back to the 110-115 range. You're just not down bouncing around yet. I wouldn't panic and certainly don't add fatty tissue on as that isn't going to help anything except to mislead the scale. What you want is muscle. TECHNICALLY, some charts show 100 at 5', 105 for 5'1", so we can easily be under 105 and still be at a "chart weight". Your boney look now won't last forever. Once you have plenty of protein & vital nutrients on board, your bones will start to have a bit of softness again. Everyone tends to look a little gaunt about 1 yr out. To speak to others who've been there & bounced back, go to: Now that you are 1 yr out, you can post
   — vitalady

March 9, 2003
Dont worry your body will know when to stop. I bottomed at 179, but bounced back. I was olooking kinda bad for awhile. If you get to a 100 start eating more, add a carb meal a day. I was klike you now I worry of regain:(
   — bob-haller

March 9, 2003
I am a little over 13 months post-op and I have lost more than I wanted to. Like you, my doctor said that I would stabilize at a higher weight than I am now. I worry sometimes, I eat constantly, it seems, for my hypoglycemia, so I thought that would help (it doesn't). So I eat junk, it stabilizes, then I eat healthy, and I lose again. I am 5'1" and 112 lbs., I am not underweight and I look a little boney, but not that bad. I think the weight loss has plateaued again, and I hope it stays this way.
   — Karen E.

March 9, 2003
Hi....I was so glad to see this question posted. I was curious to read the answers. I am currently having this problem myself. I started at 259 and am 5'6". My doctor had a goal of 140 for me. I hit that by 8 months out and have passed it. In fact, I am now weighing in at 115. While that doesn't seem like that's real small, it is when you are talking that weight on someone who is 5'6"!! I have added alot of fatty foods and my doctor is keeping a close eye on me. Alot of people suggested to me to add Ensure or alos look into an enzyme treatment....not sure what that is though. I did try the Ensure but it's not the best tasting. Good luck and keep us posted.
   — hawk4life

March 9, 2003
Erika I am one year out as of Wednesday. My goal weight was to hit 160, with an extended goal of hitting 140. Well I am at 125 right now (at least I was last week when I weighed) and it is taking a lot of work to stay there. I am 5'5" by the way. I think I hit my stretch goal at like 8 months or earlier. I too am very boney, I can not sit for a long time because my butt bruises, even on cushioned chairs. I also can not lay in the tub or my spine bruises, laying on the beach caused bruises on my back and butt, lol. Unfortunately I have been sick most of these last 12 months, I think I would be happy at my size 6 body if I was feeling better. I eat mostly Balance protein bars because they are 40 30 30 exact nutrition and it helps keep my blood sugar levels stable. I graze ALL day, hand full of this, hand full of that because eating an actual meal makes me sick (I can not even eat a whole egg at one sitting). But still since last month I lost another 6 lbs or so. I just keep thinking my body will stop where it is supposed to...**1 year PO, -195 lbs, crt wgt 125 lbs**
   — smedley200

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