6 months post-op, really depressed

I've been on cloud 9 for the last six months, I'm down to 155 lbs and physically feel great. But for about the last 2 weeks, I want to cry all the time, I can't focus, I'm starting to eat more and I just feel all-around blue. All of the posts I've read about post-op depression say it started almost immediately post-op, but I'm just starting to feel this way. Is it normal not to be depressed until 6 months out? Will it go away? Thanks!    — Angie M. (posted on March 21, 2003)

March 21, 2003
ANgie, I'm sorry you're starting to feel this way. I had depression before the surgery, and am now off and on with it. I'm ecstatic about my weight loss, I am 5 lbs. away from my goal. But I think it will still take time to really digest everything that our bodies haev gone through. Also, you have to get used to being a thinner person. Which ofcourse is a wonderful thing, but it is still different. Getting more attention, getting looked at, talking about your weight loss, all things that are good, but are hard to deal with when you're not used to them. Is there possibly another underlying reason you have been depressed? That could be as well. Also, hormonal changes can have an effect. There are so many different variables that can effect a person's outlook and mood, so it's hard to say. But if you continue feeling this way, i would seek treatment or atleast just someone to talk to, I find that usually helps me. Sorry I couldn't be of more help- goodluck to you. You are not in this alone!
   — Lezlie Y.

March 21, 2003
Hi Angie, I have depression too. A lot of people don't realize it, but losing weight is not always easy to deal with. Like Lezlie said, you get a lot of new attention, and your life is completley different then how it was pre-op. It is HARD. You might have something going on in your personal life that has affected you more than you realize, or maybe you have chemical imbalance like I have. Sometimes it will go away on it's own, but most of the time it doesn't. If you continue to feel bad for more than 6 weeks, it is time to get counseling. It's nothing to be embarrassed about or anything like that. You can email me if you want. :o)
   — fropunka

March 21, 2003
I'm back! I just noticed that you are from the twin city area, I am too...if you do decide to go to counseling, I can give you a name of someone really good.
   — fropunka

March 21, 2003
Hi Angie, I am about 8 months post-op and I am feeling the same way. I have a very hard time accepting the fact that I am getting a whole lot of new attention, when before nobody would even look in my if I was a freak of nature. All I know is, this was the right thing to do and I know eventually everything will work itself out. Please feel free to email me and maybe we can work on this together. You are defanitly not alone. I hope you feel better soon. Keep your head up, it's bound to get better...
   — Angela P.

March 21, 2003
Wow, I was just in to see my surgeon for this problem also. I have NEVER been depressed, not even at my heaviest weight. I weigh 129 and am 21 lbs away from my goal. I could be at goal but I just wouldn't care right now. It's so strange how this just hits you but this did. I am 7 1/2 months out. I am schedule to see a psychiatrist soon. What is the hardest is admitting that things aren't okay and that maybe we need help. My surgeon said he see's people in his office every day who go through this. Hang in there, seek help, e-mail me if you like. Also, exercise, which I have not been doing, releases endorphins which make us feel good. I start personal training on Monday. I also started tanning today--not for everyone--but I am trying to raise my self esteem and make myself feel better. God bless.
   — TP

March 23, 2003
As Of March 6 2003, I am a year post op and doing good. After about only 2 months post op I became very depressed. I could not figure out why I was so depressed. I even blamed it on the surgery and at first I started having big regrets about it. I was constantly crying, and at other times I would become very anxious and I was just going through alot of different moodswings that I could not control on my own. I even at one point had thoughts of death. You are not alone but you will get over this stage in your life. Just look at it as just another stage of your post operation. I did however seek psychiatric assistance and was prescribed some Paxil meds that helped me almost instantly (not that everyones issue is the same) but you may want to try see a psychiatry to help you through this. Best Wishes. Deidra Wilson
   — Deidra W.

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