Surgeon's office stalling - help!

It's been 5 weeks since my insurance approved by my surgery and my surgeon's office still hasn't issued me a date. Although I believe my surgeon is very capable, I have had nothing but bad things to say about the staff and his associate/psychologist. I've looked into switching surgeons, but everyone else in my area has at least a 6 month waiting period for a consult! I don't think switching will really solve the problem. When I called then 2 weeks ago I literally got the 'don't call us, we'll call you' speech. I'm afraid if I call again they'll hold that against me and REALLY make me wait. Any suggestions to get them on the stick? Should I just start calling and harrassing which may not help, but will make me feel better? Should I write a letter expressing the stress this is causing me? Any of your suggestions or experiences with similiar situations would help. Thanks in advance!    — Rhonda J. (posted on April 17, 2003)

April 17, 2003
I am sorry you are having such a hard time with your surgeon's office staff. It could be that the hospital is booked for surgeries so far in advance that they don't have an open book yet. In my case, my doctor wouldn't offer a surgery date until my insurance approved. Because my insurance is changing, I insisted on a date prior to approval with the option to cancell if they denied me. They didn't want to, but when I explained the circumstances they went ahead and gave me a date... turns out my ins approved me with the first letter in 24 hours, so I'm all set. Hope this helps.
   — Happy I.

April 17, 2003
You are right, harrassing won't help. However, calling every other day to find out your status is your right. Or just call and schedule an appt and speak with the doctor. They say the squeaky wheel gets the grease, and if they are aware you are not going to stop, and you let them know that you understand how busy they are, but that your health is at stake and how important this is to you, you either will get a more reasonable explanation regarding the wait, or they'll give you a date JUST to get you off their backs. Good luck, I look forward to seeing if you have a date yet!
   — gyverbabe

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