Is it normal to have your emotions fluctuate this much at 3 months postop

I honestly dont know how my family puts up with me sometimes. Sometimes Im fine and then my husband or kids will say or do something that really isnt that horrible and then I lose my temper! Ive never been like this before! Its got to be hormonal. Any ideas anyone? Id appreciate it.    — Kris T. (posted on May 2, 2003)

May 2, 2003
I think it has something to do with estrogen being stored in the fat. I went thru an extreme emotional period that was triggered by a breakup but I was much more emotional about it than usual. Exercise helped along with a sense of humor of those around me. Good luck and God Bless!
   — Kimberly L.

May 2, 2003
It's totally normal! I'm 11 mos. out now, but I remember going off on my family one night just because of the amount of food they had on their plates! It takes a few monthes to get your hormones back in sync, 6 mo. seems to be the magical #, I felt much better after that point. I know alot of post-op's go on anti depressents, like Zoloft, to get them through the first year after WLS. You'll be okay, It's hard to do but just make sure you explain to your family that it is hormones, to just bare with you, and that you Love them! Good Luck, I know it's a tough time and if you need to vent on someone feel free to e-mail me anytime ;~) ~Tambi~ [email protected]
   — Tambi B.

May 2, 2003
Kris, I too am very emotional, moody and a little depressed. I'm almost 4-weeks post op. Some days I can't even stand myself. :) I'm sure it will pass. We went through a MAJOR surgery that is life altering!!! I guess it's expected. :)
   — Kim L.

May 2, 2003
I had this feeling like I was just too tightly wound. I talked to my doctor about it and used welbutrin. He said that it was really a type of depression.
   — cindy Q.

May 2, 2003
I cried and cried because I said to myself, "what did I do?" I was also feeling defeated, that I had do do this to myself to take off the weight. So yes it is a depression and a mourning of the old you. But, after 2 1/2 months and 55lbs and getting used to the regimen and new way of eating, I feel so much better and you will too.. This too shall pass!
   — janice L.

May 2, 2003
Kris, AS it was explained to me, while we are losing weight, we are also breaking down the fat in our bodies and guess what is stored in that fat.....HORMONES. Just like asking for an emotional overload, Right? So of course we will be emotional....just warn your loved ones, it won't last long..Cinde
   — Cinde S.

May 3, 2003
This series of comments about emotions after the surgery is great! I'm not scheduled yet, but that is one my biggest concerns, the fear of not being in control of my emotions and not being able to eat to calm them. These posts have really put me at ease. Now I can visualize it, address it ahead of time with my family and "get permission to be emotinoal" knowing that others have had those fears, emotions etc. that I am afraid I will have. Thanks everyone for your honesty and candor.
   — sissie S.

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