Are all of your pouches located in your upper chest by your heart?

Mine is, and was just curious if we're all like that. If this is the case, then I most likely had a transected open RNY....true? (not just stapled off)    — Kim L. (posted on May 8, 2003)

May 8, 2003

   — Jazzy

May 8, 2003
What's a Sapala-Wood Micropouch? I've never heard of that.
   — Kim L.

May 8, 2003
Here is the site you can go to that gives you all the information I had mine done in Kane, PA. Dr. LaBrie is a wonderful doctor!
   — Jazzy

May 8, 2003
The pouch is at the base of the ribcage, centered just below the breasts. The location has nothing to do with whether you are transected or not. To find that out, ask your surgeon.
   — Cindy R.

May 8, 2003
I was told my pouch is located right next to my heart. And it seems as though it is since I'm having pain while eating, the pain is in my chest area by my heart. If I would have not known this, I would have thought I was having a heart attack.
   — Kim L.

May 8, 2003
The pouch cannot be in the upper chest as it is located below the diaphragm which separates the thoracic (chest) cavity from the abdominal cavity. The heart is in the thoracic cavity and your pouch is in the abdominal cavity.
   — John Rushton

May 8, 2003
John, I am quite confused then. I specifically asked my surgeon where my pouch was, and he said right behind my left breast by my heart. I've been having pain with the food going from my pouch through the stoma and the pain is in my upper chest area exactly where he told me my pouch was. I can actually feel certain foods trying to pass through the stoma up there.
   — Kim L.

May 8, 2003
Having pain that feels like a heart attack is not indication that your pouch is in the same vicinity as the heart. But, that being said..I can't imagine letting someone 'put' something into my chest cavity that didn't absolutely need to be there. When I eat I also feel like I'm having a heart attack but I KNOW my pouch is exactly where John the left (not in the center), just below the rib cage. Best wishes!
   — Diane S.

May 8, 2003
I'll have to ask my surgeon at my next appt. Because perhaps I misunderstood him. I dont' know.
   — Kim L.

May 9, 2003
Kim, according to the other posters I was wrong with my answer. My incision starts below my breast and goes three inches below my belly button. My pouch should be right smack in the middle below my breasts. Sorry for posting the wrong info!
   — Jazzy

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