Has anyone not lost weight in a month's time, but inches?

Hope everyone had a great Memorial Week end! I'm beginning to wonder if I will ever loose another pound. It has been almost a month and I'm stuck the scales. I have lost inches, but it would be wonderful to see a pound loss from time to time. Could this be all I will loose? It has only been a little over 31/2 months since my Lap RNY. I've lost 60 pounds and 43 inches. Had 75% removed.wish she had done the 150%. I am 53 yeas of age and walk everyday. I aslo, do water aerobics 3 times a week. I just cannot believe this is all I will loose. I was hoping to loose another 40 pounds. Anyone out there facing the same problems? Please Help!!!    — Hazel S. (posted on May 27, 2003)

May 27, 2003
Relax, this happens often and one day you get on the scale and you will have lost a few pounds. I experienced the same thing you are experiencing, I lost inches but no weight loss for one month. Then one day I got on the scale and I had lost 5 pounds overnight and 2 days later I lost another 3 pounds. I am just thrilled to lose inches when I am not losing pounds......anyway you look at it you are winning the battle! Good Luck.
   — Rebecca L.

May 27, 2003
Hazel...sorry, but I'm unclear on what you mean by - "Had 75% removed.wish she had done the 150%".
   — [Deactivated Member]

May 27, 2003
I don't measure witha tape measrue, but I recently came off a 2 month plateau, and during that 2 months, I dropped two sizes. I'm 7 months post op. You are doing fine and you are not done losing, it will just be slow!
   — koogy

May 27, 2003
Sixty pounds in three and a half months is phenomenal, especially for a lightweight. Please resist the temptation to yearn for a more drastic surgical solution every time you hit a garden-variety plateau, or you'll drive yourself nuts (as so many of us do) when the weight loss truly slows down. Your body needs time to adjust to the enormous loss that has happened in such a short time. And if your eating and exercise habits are greatly improved, and you're getting them well-established during this period, you'll be in a good position to succeed in the long run. Please don't let the scale drive you crazy. Easier said than done, but it's all the other good stuff you're doing -- exercise, better eating habits, water, etc -- that's making you successful, not standing on the scale. ;~)
   — Suzy C.

May 27, 2003
You are doing great! I think im just about done myself. I have been gaining and losing the same darn 5lbs for weeks, I am losing a pound about every couple weeks now, but still in just the past 2 weeks have went from a size tight 10 to a 7/8. I just don't even care about the scale anymore, but I just want to lose my last 12# to reach my goal. I will still love for the inches to come off :o) Good luck!
   — Sandy M.

May 28, 2003
Yep.... happened to me also. I think it was the skin shrinking up and everything redistributing itself! My body looses in 2 and 3 pound jumps. I'm 48 and my weight loss was relatively slow. I'm still losing now at 16 months post-op. I'm sure you're just on a plateau, since you're only 3 1/2 months out. You've got a LOT of time left. Keep up the good work - you're doing great already!
   — Kathy J.

June 3, 2003
I have!! I'm at a standstill right now, but I'm not going to get bent out of shape about it. Istill do what I normally do-same routine with water, roteins and exercizing. I've just "cranked it up" a notch more. I anticiapte seeing some results within the next couple of weeks, even if it's just 2-7 pounds~Best wishes to you. Hadiyah, a.k.a.~~~~
   — yourdivaness

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