5 days post-op should I be concerned about chronic diarrhea?

I'm just 5 days post-op, but everytime I get up I get diarrhea. Also, I feel like I can eat more on liquid/pureed diet than when I was in the hospital. The strong gas paind have slowed, but the diarrhea is overwhelminh. Any advice?    — David F. (posted on June 30, 2003)

June 30, 2003
I think the majority of early post-op patients have problems with diarrhea. My problems with diarrhea lasted for a couple of months and then I began to have problems with constipation! I am sure you will have to juggle a number of "bathroom" problems along the way. But call your surgeon's office if you have any further concerns.
   — Robin L.

June 30, 2003
My surgeon told me to take Imodium for 48 hours to help with the diasrrhea. If that didn't clear it up, she wrote a prescription for Flagyl, a strong antibiotic. Please check with your surgeon--you could have an overgrowth of unfriendly bacteria from the antibiotics you were on during surgery.
   — Margaret S.

June 30, 2003
Fortunately, I never had diarehha early post op nor since. I go once a day and for that I am thankful. I was worried. Could it be something you are eating.
   — Delores S.

June 30, 2003
I think it is common for some people to have diarrhea after surgery. A previous poster may be right about the overgrowth of unhealthy bacteria from antibiotics. If that's the culprit, yogurt (with active cultures) will help it. The active cultures in the yogurt encourage the growth of helpful bacteria in your digestive system and will balance things out and ease the diarrhea. If you're allowed yogurt at this point in your diet, you might try that. At any rate, don't let it go on too long or you'll risk dehydration--a very unpleaasant experience that could require hospitalization. So do your best to drink as much as you can. I strongly advise calling the doc.
   — Vespa R.

June 30, 2003
I am 2 weeks post op and I also suffered from diarrhea and gas pains for the first few days after I returned home. It only last 2-3 days. Eat some helps! Hope you are feeling better soon!!
   — Terri G.

June 30, 2003
I had the nasty stuff they use when doing the "leak" x-ray and the doctor told me it would cause diareah for a while... and I mean it was bad. Now at 7 weeks post op, it's the opposite.
   — Happy I.

June 30, 2003
me too, i am 6 days out, the yougurt thing work, i diluted to make watery and put throught hte tube...helped with in three feedings
   — florence H.

June 30, 2003
Thank you for your answers. I have tried yogurt. The mistake was having a protein shake yesterday, I think.
   — David F.

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