Should I bring a bra to wear home?

I am 8 days away from surgery!!! I'm a large-chested female (big surprise) and I'm a little self-conscious about going around without a bra. I'm going to have visitors by day 2 or 3 while I'm at the hospital. Also, a friend will be helping me to get home. So the question is, will the bra be to close to any incisions? Or will it be more important to keep the twins "high and dry," away from any possible dressings/tubes? Thanks in advance for any help. This web site is an invaluable resource.    — Genevieve V. (posted on July 9, 2003)

July 8, 2003
I would not bother. I had lap RNY and the bra would have bothered the top incsion. The drain was in my side insicion. I did not wear a bra for a week....when I went back to work. Take a loose dress with a jacket or shirt to wear over it on your return home....just a suggestion.
   — Sharon B.

July 8, 2003

   — Anna T.

July 8, 2003
Not a chance. I wasn't able to wear a bra for 10 days and even then, it wasn't pleasant. Forget about a bra. I just kept my arms crossed over my chest and hoped for the best!
   — Laura B.

July 8, 2003
I had to have a bra and found that one of my old sports bras worked perfectly and did not bother me at all.
   — Carol S.

July 8, 2003
i had my open rny about 8 months ago, and was also concerned about feeling self-concious. i had several halter tops, with builtin shelf bras, and wore those in the hospital, along with pj bottoms. i brought a bra to wear home, which didn't bother anything, BUT, i also used a couple of gauze pads, tucked into the bottom of the center, to 'pad' the underwire area even more. there was, (for me) at least, about an inch clearance between the bra and the incision, but i would assume that there is individual variation. if you have a top with a shelf bra that might work well for the trip home. best wishes and best of luck to you.
   — tuxedoll

July 8, 2003
I wore a sports bra home from the hospital (after an open rny). After about 2 weeks, I was able to wear my regular bras with no problems at all. :o)
   — Cat S.

July 8, 2003
I am also quite big chested (not as big as some, but big none-the-less). I didn't bother with a bra at all for the first four weeks following my surgery (open RNY), while I was at home convalescing - I also had my surgery in February though, so if I went out, I had on layers, coats, etc. Anyway, while in the hospital, I actually found the hospital gowns (super sized for us MO patients) most comfortable - and any visitors I had were prepared for me to look like I was in the hospital. Wearing a bra for them never even entered my mind. I didn't wear a bra on my way home, either, or at home for that matter. Once I went back to work at 4 weeks though, going braless was not an option. I, like the others, then found that a sports bra was easiest on my incision. It wasn't until two and a half or three months out that some bras didn't still bother my incision/scar. Now at five months out, any bra is fine. But it took a while.
   — johanniter

July 9, 2003
The nurse at the hospital suggested I get this exercise tank deal (it's like a sports bra, but it's long like a top and holds you all in... I wore this over my binder and it was great)... even better my hubby didn't know what to go get so the nurse did it after work...
   — MF

July 9, 2003
I had lap RNY and wore a bra home from the hospital with no discomfort.
   — Kristen S.

July 9, 2003
I also am very large breasted (52H) and I did not wear a bra when leaving the hospital. At that point, I didn't care who saw me braless and I think you will feel the same way. After being home a few days, I put a bra on and it didn't hurt at all. As far as keeping the girls dry.....try tucking a washcloth underneath one will know but you!!
   — Terri G.

July 9, 2003
I came home from the hospital 2 days ago following an open RNY. The "big girl" hospital gowns were so roomy you couldn't tell if you were wearing a bra or not. I did not wear one since it would be over my incision. I wore a nightgown and robe home. I work in a hospital and lots of patients wear gowns and robes home after surgery.
   — Charlotte G.

July 10, 2003
Bring a bra. I had complications and was in the hospital for a week. I have a huge chest and I think would have eneded up walking like Quasimodo without a bra for a week. It ended up being the only thing I used. I didn't even use chapstick! Only used my bra. Your breasts won't bother your incisions but they will bother your back after a while.
   — mrsmyranow

July 16, 2003
NO-----NO----NO-------I thought i would be brave and wear a bra to my appointment to get my staples out (Open RNY--10 days post-op and a 3 hour car trip one way). The next day my incision opened up at the top---and for 6 weeks it remained open. I ended up wearing 2 shirts and my binder---and didn't worry about what people would think--because it was a medical necessity that I not wear one. Best of luck----Mindy---down 55 lbs
   — MindyM152

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