Anyone as far out as I am, have trouble with their suture line disrupting?

OK, I have found out that my staple line is disrupting and that I have an ulcer. Wednesday night I ended up in the ER from a HUGE amount of bleeding from havig a BM. And my occult blood test came back positive for fecal occult blood...Meaning I have a lower GI bleed. Well they kept me overnight, performed a scope that afternoon and told me that I did in fact have an ulcer that showed recent signs of bleeding. I know where it came from, I have been eating Excedrin and Advil like candy since my tooth had been hurting over the last few weeks. SOOOOOOO despite the fact I KNOW THIS IS TABOO, I never thought it would happen to me. My real question, for those 4+ years out have you ever had trouble with staple line disruption and if so, what did your surgeon suggest to fix it? Thanks <3 marni RN <3    — Marni (posted on August 1, 2003)

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