I am at 5 mos post and I am crabby, grumpy and easily agitated by everything.

I am upset with my progress so far, only 50+ pounds in 5 months and this stresses me even more. Will I ever feel happy and energetic again. My energy levels are very low, stressing me even further and yes, I get my vitamins as well as protein shakes and protein bars, my diet also includes plenty of protein. What is going on with me? HELP!    — Patricia F. (posted on August 28, 2003)

August 28, 2003
Get you bloodwork checked for stuff like low iron can make a big difference. Also remember that you no longer have food to medicate with and now you have to deal without life without it. That can cause you to feel stressed out and gripy. Think about some counseling - there's no reason that you have to settle for feeling the way you do. But you will have to get your docs working for you.
   — Susan F.

August 28, 2003
Patricia- Let's assume that there is nothing medical for your mood change and that you are getting all of the right mix of protein and vitamins (including B-12). When I've hit those times (and I think that we all do), I usually find that it's because, for whatever reason, I am stressed or anxious and I don't have my favorite coping mechanism (food) around to help me. It really takes a lot of energy to be consternated-- not enough to burn off those extra pounds, but just enough to sap you of your energy. Chances are you could just be in a sort of vicious cycle where your low energy stresses you out, which in turn tires you, making you more exhausted and more stressed about your declining energy levels . . and so on, and so on. For me as a stay-at-home Dad, I find that the more stressed I am and the more exhausted I become, the less patience I have (which in turns makes every day situations suddenly stress producing). A few things that I do is (1) to try to really up my protein and vitamin levels to try to force my body into a more energetic state and (2) make it a point to attend our support group meetings so that I can vent. It usually works. Good luck--- try not to let this momentary glitch knock you off track.
   — SteveColarossi

August 28, 2003
I don't know if the same applies to you, but I have found that when I get tired and cranky for no apparent reason, it is sometimes because I'm not getting enough carbohydrates. If I up the veggies and fruit for a day or two, I'm remarkably better (I still stay away from refined carbs, though--not a good habit for me to start). Try this and see if it helps; it won't hurt.
   — Vespa R.

August 28, 2003
Are you eating anything made with white flour or white sugar? This will stop my weight loss in it's tracks, PLUS give me moods swings as my sugar spikes and drops and makes me CRANKY! Get your labs checked too... maybe your iron is low. This can make you tired, and grumpy because you're tired. Remember to drink lots of water (NOT with meals) and get as much exercise as you can manage. Exercise is a mood lifter, and actually gives you more energy.
   — mom2jtx3

August 28, 2003
I'd like to second the statements below about carbs. If I partake of too many carbs, I feel awful. Make sure you get your labs done too, just to make sure there's nothing that needs correction. Low blood sugar makes me cranky too and too many carbs always aggrevate it. You might try stretching your protein out a little more evenly through the day. I went through a period where I was getting my protein early in the day and just crashing late in the day. When I spread it out, I felt better and my energy level was much better. Also, cut yourself a little slack. You're just embarked on a huge lifestyle change and it should never be like it was. It's a huge adjustment. Find someone you can confide in so you can get anything that's bothering you off your chest!
   — Cathy S.

August 28, 2003
At 5 months I was going thru a hard time too, weight loss was fine, but I was not tolerating certain foods very well and was having a bad attitude about the lifestyle changes and the whole surgery. when I got up my nerve and started eating fruits and veggies, my whole attitude improved, Also I learned That I could tolerate steak if I used meat tenderizer and stuck with a nice juicy rib eye. aside from that, you body is going thru tremendous changes at a fast pace, I think 50# in 5 months is fabulous, wow imagine that preop! thats 10 pounds a month! your hormones are likely swinging all over the place too. hang in there, go out and do something fun! The best advice i ever overheard at a suppport group, a girl was complaining about her "slow" weight loss, the person she was talking to said what are you doing for exercise and the girl said I go to the gym and do this & this. The other person said no thats working out , what do you do for exercise? hmmm, i thought, then he said go for a bike ride, roller blade, go dancing, DO SOMETHING FUN OUTSIDE AND ACTIVE! what a idea, and you know it makes a huge difference!
   — **willow**

August 28, 2003
While I haven't had my surgery with diabetes will certainly make you more aware of mood swings, temprament and such. For the longest time I have used the website to keep track of my food intake, and you have to be very truthful, or it will be useless. On the days when I think that I was doing ok...lo and behold some hidden carbs show up, and when you can see a graphic representation of what is being taken in, it can really floor you. You can then take appropriate action with more protein, more carb...yes sometimes you do need some carb intake. Another good use for the site is the report listings, and you can see what RDA you are achieving, or lacking, and you can make adjustments to that also. I know it sounds like a pain to do, but it isn't really, and when you really watch what you eat, you have a tendency to me a bit more careful. Give it a try. The site is free and very adjustable to an individuals needs.
   — track

August 28, 2003
It is called depression. These are all classic symptoms of depression. Please get into see a counselor and see if that cannot help some. Or go to your PCP and talk with him or her. A depression could also affect weight loss etc, as you may not be doing what you should be cause you have do energy and down etc.
   — zoedogcbr

August 28, 2003
The mood swings and lack of energy could very well be a nutrient level imbalance. Many symptoms are often mistaken for depression when it is really a deficiency somewhere. Anemia will also cause these problems.
   — Vicki R.

August 28, 2003
A previous poster called it depression. I don't think it is depression. I have had some very serious mood swings myself but I don't think I am depressed. In fact, I am more happy now than I have been in my entire life. I am almost 8 months out from surgery and approximately two to three months ago I started having mood swings --- I usually do have mood swings anyway just not like this. I was more aggitated by EVERYTHING!!!! My roommates have learned to stay out of my way and I have learned that when I feel like I am having a mood swing I will just go to my room and that way they can still do whatever they were doing without my moodiness. It has eased up a lot this past month and a half. I mean every little thing would set me off. It does ease up. Trust me, it will get better. Good luck to you on your journey! Daphine (Open RNY Jan.13, 2003, down 91 pounds --- size 3X to size 12/14)
   — Daphine C.

August 29, 2003
It's just a possibility that your protein bars also contain a great deal of carbs in the form of nuts and refined sugar (anything that ends in "ose." Check out the sugar grams on the label, they should not be higher than 6 grams per serving, and remember that a "serving" might turn out to be half a bar! Good luck!
   — Deborah M.

August 29, 2003
Its a chemical imbalance in your brain which causes those mood swings. I suffered from the same problem, my Doc prescribed Sarafem. It is a drug specially formulated for woman only(literally womans prozac).It is designed to combat PMS symptoms/ mood swings. I take one capsule daily.This drug has made a world of difference for me, my kids call it my "happy-happy" pill. :)....oh & by the way you have to take this & similar type of drugs regularly for a couple weeks before you get the full effect, so be patient! :) Good Luck To Ya!
   — Kim D.

August 29, 2003
Starting with the same BMI and going through very similar insurance hassles >:-[ I can understand why you'd be unhappy with your loss so far! But remember, it's the long term that matters, so give it time. I (we all) have hit plateaus You didn't mention water; its importance can't be underestimated in both weight loss and wellbeing. My best hunch is also nutrient imbalance, quite possibly iron, so ask your surgeon to order blood work ASAP. If all is normal you may need an antidepressant, or simply something else to focus on besides your weight! A class, volunteer work, a project...something to get you out of your own head. And I'm one of those who think frequent weighing is a very bad idea. Go by how your clothes fit, it's much less stressful and more satisfying!
   — Chris T.

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