At 5 1/2 mos post op (lap RNY) I am constantly tired and easily aggitated by

everything and everyone. I take my vits regularly, b-12 sub, multi(2 GNC gel caps), and zinc in the a.m., then iron, vit C, in the eves. I begin every day with a protein shake for my breakfast and make sure to have healthy, high protein meals for lunch and dinner. I am wondering if it is normal to be so super sensitive at this stage. I have only lost 50+ in this time and that too has me upset. Though I'm not quite sure the exact amount, that is the numbers from my last visit at my 3 mos post op. I have gone from a size 30/32 down to a 22/24. Loss of over 7"! Is this slow?    — Patricia F. (posted on September 17, 2003)

September 17, 2003
Gosh, there seem to be several questions rolled up in here. Let me tackle the one about being tired and irritable. You say that you eat protein for lunch and dinner and a protein shake for breakfast. While protein FIRST is important, protein ONLY can be problematic. Are you eating any fruits, veggies or whole grains or other acceptable carbohydrates? Your brain, heart and lungs prefer to burn carbs as their energy source. If you don't take in enough carbs, these organs will switch over to burning fat, but they don't function as efficiently. That is one possible cause of your fatigue and irritability. Of course, there are many other possibilities, too. But it's a fairly quick try to just add some "good" carbs to your diet and see if it helps. As far as the rate of weight loss, 50 pounds in three months sounds good to me, but one thing I've learned is not to compare my results to other people's. If you're sticking to getting your protein and water in every day, and are exercising, then you're doing all you can. Enjoy the ride.
   — Vespa R.

September 17, 2003
I'm five months out and was having some problems with fatigue the past few weeks. I finally started taking a daily B-12 (which I see you are already doing) plus I upped my calories by a couple of hundred (up to 1,000). I feel 100% better. Are you exercising at all? Cardiovascular exercise will improve your overall health and you will feel better if you're not already doing it.
   — Barbara C.

September 17, 2003
After you have tried the things the previous 2 posters have suggested, if you see no improvement then please talk to your PCP about the possibility of depression. These are classic symptoms of depression, but can be from some of the other things mentioned too. It's the irritability that makes me think depression. Maybe just a little counseling would help and not need any medication. I know some do not agree with my thoughts on depression, but uncontrolled depression will just continue to work against you and sabotage your success. Better to find out than just ignore it in my opinion. Personally I don't have a problem admitting that I have depression and that I am treated for it. I take my meds, see my counselor and consequently it is well controlled and a pretty non-factor in my life anymore. There is nothing to be ashamed about if it is depression. Depression is a chemical imbalance in the brain and it many times takes medications to balance things out.
   — zoedogcbr

September 18, 2003
I noticed that you said your taking a gel cap for your vitamins. Does that mean it is oil based? If so, it is my understanding that we don't digest oil based vitamins now -- that is why you'll see advise on taking dry Vitamin A & E. It could mean you aren't getting the vitamins you thought you were. Just a thought.
   — Helen C.

September 18, 2003
I got like that too. It was my thyroid. It was constantly out of wack until my weight stabelized. Good luck , and very good weight loss , no need to be upset about that!
   — Rose A.

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