How do I avoid a second stricture/scoping?

Hey guys. I'm 2 and a half months out and I got scoped this morning and they found a stricture and dilated my anastomosis from 3 mm (so small!) to 15 mm. Is there anything at ALL that I can do over the next few weeks to keep my stoma dilated where it should be and avoid it closing up or tightening again? As I've mentioned in a previous post, my insurance expires in 2 weeks and getting another endoscopy would mean paying for it out of pocket ($1000!!!). Help! Any advice??!! Also, did any of you get dilated at 2+ months post op and only needed the ONE endoscopy? Is it normal to need it done multiple times? Thanks in advance!    — Tiffany J. (posted on September 18, 2003)

September 18, 2003
Hi, I had three done. The third was the charm. Just take it easy for a few weeks, with soft foods or liquids and let it heal up. They say 2 or 3 times gets it done. Hope your finished.
   — gary viscio

September 18, 2003
My prayers are with strictures were caused by an ulcer from Vioxx so I was scoped 5 times. The 4th time was the charm the 5th was just routine to see how things looked. I have heard of people only having to be scoped once. However, did the dr indicate that you had an ulcer or ulceration and did he put you on Aciphex, or Nexium or something of that sort?
   — Karen Renee

September 18, 2003
Yeah - he did say the I haad some small "superficial ulcers" in my esophegeal track,and he gave me aciphex to treat them. Said they were a result of the stricture. I'm a little confused cause i think he told me to take one a day, but then on the instructional sheet he gave me, he tells me to take 2 a day. *shrugs shoulders* who knows? I'm just hoping and hoping I don't have to get another one.
   — Tiffany J.

September 18, 2003
There is really nothing you can do to avoid getting a stricture unless it was one that was caused by built up acid in the pouch.In that case an acid inhibitor should be taken daily.
   — jennifer A.

September 19, 2003
I had my first scope on the 9th of September and the doctor said that about half the patients will need one scope; however half of those will need it a second or third time. Hope the percentages are in your favor!
   — Gail G.

September 19, 2003
I sure hate to put a damper on things, but, I've had 4 strictures in less than 8 weeks. I'm getting them every 2 weeks or less. The stoma just tightens up, and in I go for a scope and dilation. 4 times no less. I am scared to death I am going to be scoped and dilated every 2 weeks for the rest of my life. Either that or have my surgery redone. That's been mentioned too. YIKES! I need help to get over the fear of another scoping and dilation. That would be my 5th. Then resurgery/Double Yikes. Take care, Kathy...Open RNY, June 23, 2003.......295/233/170
   — Kathy R.

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