HELP!! I am gaining weight!!

Hi all. I haven't been on the boards for a while. I guess Life just got better for me and I don't have as much time. Anyway, I find that I am gaining weight. I stabelized at 157 pounds, and I now weigh 183 pounds. I have noticed that I can eat more. I am transected, so I don't think I have a SLD. I am almost 3 years postop. How can I jumpstart the weight loss again to lose those 25 pounds? Is there a way I can shrink my pouch? Any suggestions? Thanks    — enjo4 (posted on September 30, 2003)

September 30, 2003
Hi Erin: Unfortunately I don't have any good suggestions for you, but I do have advice. Whatever it takes, do something proactive to stop the weight gain now before it gets worse. I thought surely I'll level out eventually, but believe me there was no end in sight to the gain until I went over what I had said would be unacceptable. Now, in retrospect, I wonder what made me thing I'd level out, and why in the world did I take so long to do something to stop it? I started gaining from month 13 on until I went on a diet. Not what I thought I'd need to be doing, but it had to be done. Two to four pounds a month each and ever month adds up pretty quickly after a year. I've lost 1/2 of my 41 pound regain, but it has been dang hard. My advice is don't let one more pound creep back on. Good luck. S
   — sherry hedgecock

September 30, 2003
The 3-year wall. Get onto the Grad list, where others who have gone before you can maybe help.................
   — vitalady

September 30, 2003
More excersize
   — Robert L.

September 30, 2003
More exercise???? Robert did you even have WLS??? That's the same lame advice I got over and over pre op. Geese. If it was only that simple we never would have needed wls. Sure exercise is part of the fix but so is trying to keep carbs to a minium. I'm 29 months post op and get on the scales most every day. I KNOW WLS is NOT a cure. Everyone I've seen in my area that has had WLS HAS GAINED ALL, MOST, or MORE back! I am NOT lying about this. This is why I cringe when people come on this site all excited and exclain, XXX amount of pounds gone forever. So knowing all this I weigh daily. Only once did I put on 6 pounds after being a idiot and eating ice cream for about a week. I stopped that nonsence and it took me two or three weeks to lose that 6 pounds. Anyway, exercise IS good advice, but it alone won't help us. Try to also cut down on carbs... preferabley QUIT them altogether. (Something I can't seem to do). ;) Also watch your portions. My guess is to eat many SMALL meals spread out during the day. THat might get your metabolism going. I wish you the very best!
   — Danmark

September 30, 2003
I am 18+ months post op and I started noticing gain in August. I tried but I didn't put my all into it. In September I hopped on the protein train and got out my old work out regimen from early post op and started from the beginning. Protein Protein Protein, water water water, exercise exercise exercise. And this morning I can tell it paid off. I had a pair of cream pants (8) I tried to put on a couple weeks ago and could not get them to button, well this morning I was able to get them on an buttoned. So its working. I limited my portions and ate mostly protein. The carbs I take in are whats in the protien I eat. Like eggs. I eat tuna salad, egg salad, chicken salad, light n lively cottage cheese, and take a protein suppliment before and after I work out. Its called Amino Infusion 5000 it taste like cough medicine and 6 tablespoons is 30 gram of protein and the rest I get from food. If I see my carbs are getting high I will take another dose of the protein suppliment. I drink water everytime I think I am hungry so I am drinking 5 to 6 20 oz. glasses of water just at work. At home I have bought the sugar free popsicles, the stuff we start out with firt post op. I also buy slim fast or fat free klondike ice cream sandwiches if I need something sweet. This has helped me alot and now I get full on just the 2.5 oz. of tuna salad and almost 4 oz. of cottage cheese. I hope this helps good luck.
   — Chris9672

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