Large stoma

Ok, I wasnt going to post until I was sure... BUT Im half way there now.. and since this topic is coming out more and more I wanted people to know there is 'hope' I have a large stoma - the upper gi confirmed no pouch function; etc etc... MY surgeon was sucessful this week in putting on the lap band. After it is tighened it will act as my new stoma. I have to wait at least a month before THAT happens; but at least he was sucessful in placing the band. So there is hope now.... if you are suffering from the large stoma issue; talk to your surgeon.    — star . (posted on October 11, 2003)

October 11, 2003
I am glad that there is apparently a way to fix the frustrating problem of an enlarged stoma. I hope you will keep us updated on how it goes on your profile. I have a lap-band (with no RNY) and I'm not sure how having an RNY pouch makes the lap-band's function different...but I certainly hope that it works well for you. Good luck. :)
   — K M.

October 11, 2003
Did your insurance cover the lap band for the large stoma? I'm curious because I may have the same problem.
   — myra J.

October 12, 2003
Helen, I have followed your story and felt so badly for you, as there seemed to be no solution to your large stoma problem. I am delighted to hear that you may have found a solution. I wish you all the best. Considering all you have been through, you certainly deserve it.
   — Lynn T.

October 12, 2003
Helen, I am glad to hear that this was finally tried. I have been reading alot of profiles and it kept crossing my mind that this would be a solution. Please keep us posted with your progress. Congratulations on keep on keeping on. Some would have given up, but you are sticking with it. Lisa
   — Lisa H.

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