how much walking should one do 2 weeks post op

how do u know what is too little or too much in walking    — sweetdarling_ab (posted on October 12, 2003)

October 12, 2003
My physician wants me to walk at least 1 mile a day, preferably 2 miles. He said higher activity levels lead to better weightloss and energy level and he was right. Good luck to you!
   — dreamernsc

October 12, 2003
You do whatever you reasonably can. For someone who starts as SMO it would be insane for a doc to expect them to walk 1-2 times at 2 weeks PO. It would have been insane for my doc to expect that before 6 months, as that's when I finally hit 1 mile. The main thing is to do what you can and keep increasing it. When I went back to weight training at 9 weeks I was lucky if I could walk 10 minutes without severe pain and cramping in my hips and low back. Now I can do 30-45 minutes of walking in addition to 30 minutes of weight training. As long as I was trying and working to increase it my surgeon was happy. It truly matter where you started from and what health issues you have pre-op. <p>The other thing to to keep in mind that at points along the process you will need to bump your exercise up to keep the weight loss moving. So starting too overboard from the start ends up putting you into something ridiculous later on. You have to end up with something you can do for the rest of your life. Moderation in everything is the key. I just went to working out 3 times a week at about 7 months PO. Otherwise it was twice as that's all my body would take. However, I am tons more active in general so I technically get tons of walking in now that I move instead of sit all the time.
   — zoedogcbr

October 12, 2003
My doctor's exercise physiotherapist said for me to go as far as I can and only go as far as I could with still being able to get back home. So, for the first couple of weeks all I could do was go down the block, cross the street and head back. I was able to steadily increase that 'til I was able to make a mile by about the third week after surgery.
   — ChristineB

October 12, 2003
I think at two weeks out, it's not how FAR should you walk, but how OFTEN you should you walk. At this point, it is much more important to prevent blood clots than to be building up endurance or muscle. Move at least once an hour, even if it's only around the inside of your house. Don't wear yourself out trying to walk a mile at a time so that you only walk once a day. Later on worry about distance and endurance, now just move as often as you can.
   — Vespa R.

October 13, 2003
Like they said: as far as you can and home again, without being so wiped out that you can't move the next day. ;^) I walked every day in the year before my surgery, three miles which takes me exactly an hour. I am now post-op by three weeks and am back to my usual walk. The first day out took longer than before, but by the second day I was back to my old pace and feels just super! I do make sure that I take a hot shower AT NIGHT before I go to bed, to ensure that all muscles relax and that I get a good night's sleep. Makes all the difference... Open RNY 10/25/03 225
   — Deborah M.

October 13, 2003
Without sounding sarcastic... as much as you can. Don't tire yourself out though.
   — mrsmyranow

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