I wear Dentures, am I allowed to use Denture Cream? of will it clog my pouch?

I found in the past that when I used Denture Cream, by evening most of it was gone. Now I am afraid to wear it Post-Op as I am worried that it will clog my pouch. I haven't used it for a long time, but since I've lost 75 lbs my teeth are feeling lose and floppy. Has anyone had any experience with this?    — PammieC (posted on October 12, 2003)

October 12, 2003
I had the RNY almost 3 years ago; and have upper dentures. The adhesive has NEVER bothered me. LOL I worry more about what its made of since no ingrediants are listed than it bothering the pouch.
   — star .

October 13, 2003
Honey without my adhesive I wouldn't be able to keep my partial in my mouth. At three yrs post I have never had a problem Shirley
   — Shirley F.

October 14, 2003
Hi thanks for your replies! Thanks for letting me know. I appreciate your help! Now I can talk again without my dentures slipping ROFL. many people will appreciate it. When I talk they slip sometimes. Must be gross from anothers point of view. lol Thanks again. Hugz...
   — PammieC

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