Do you shrink?

This may be stupid but do you get shorter after surgery? I have noticed that the people that I know seemed taller before surgery. Now after the surgery, and big weight loss they seem much shorter. Anyone that might have documentation of this please let me know. Thanks.    — Mini Gadget (posted on October 23, 2003)

October 23, 2003
I had surgery on 3/20/03.... I was 5'2". I've been that height since I was 12 years old! I went to the Docs 2 weeks ago and remeasured me... I am now 5'3"!!! He explained the fat compresses our spine a bit, plus posture is not so good when you are heavy. I am thrilled to take that other inch!!
   — teresa M.

October 23, 2003
I was always 5'4 and a half since I was a teen I had surgery 8/12/03 and I went to the Dr. on Monday and he measured me and I was 5'3 I lost an inch I dont know how? So I am hoping that I was never really 5' to begin with or I have shrunk...
   — marie M.

October 23, 2003
For me I feel taller. I still measure 5'9 but now I feel like about 5'10 or 11 because I can stand up so much straighter. I lost 200 lbs before and noticed the feeling taller then also. I think it has a lot to do with how much foot swelling you had before surgery and the truth is the fat shrinks off your head too so that could explain some people shrinking or in reality just finding out what their true height has always been.
   — zoedogcbr

October 23, 2003
I, too, feel taller since surgery and now have had people say to me that they didn't realize that I was as tall as I was. I don't think that I've lost or gained any height inches but most likely my stature is more erect now.
   — Judy R.

October 24, 2003
I felt taller until they measured me at my one year postop appt...I'd shrunk an inch :>( But hell it is soo worth it LOL
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 24, 2003
It is my understanding that adults start to lose height as the discs between their spinal vertebrae degenerate, along with the cartilage in the knees . Most adults lose at least an inch by the time they are elderly, if not more. And obesity accelerates that decline as it puts a lot of stress on the back and knees. Perhaps a lot of people had not measured themselves in years, until the surgery? I know I am 48 and had not measured my height since I was a teenager. Then came the pre-surgery measuring and I was not surprised to see I had lost over an inch. I was 5'8" in high school. I am now a little over 5'6. And my mother gained back almost an inch in her height when she had her knees replaced.
   — linda A.

October 24, 2003
I actually gained a half inch post-op. Always measured at 5'2" to 5'2 1/2", but went to the doctor the other day and was up to 5'3". Barb 4/07/03 235/151/130
   — Barbara C.

October 24, 2003
I've had the opposite experience. I doubt I've gained or lost in height, but people tell me I look taller now. I'm 5'9". My mom tells me my posture is much better now and that she had never realized quite how tall I was! When you don't have to carry all that weight and your back, hips and legs aren't hurting, it's easier to stand straight. Honestly, I think increased self-confidence probably has something to do with it too.
   — sandsonik

October 24, 2003
People ask me all the time if I have gotten shorter. But I think it's just an optical illusion. I am 5' 11", and I was 365 pre-op. So I kinda had that "i'm a football player" look to me. Now I weigh 205, and my sister says I look "wimpy" heehee I think losing weight in the shoulder area makes us look much smaller (and shorter).
   — fropunka

October 25, 2003
Oh good Lord, I hope not! I can't afford to at 4'10"! ;)
   — Dragon G.

October 25, 2003
I'm 1 year post-op and haven't measured myself lately (5'0"), but my shoe size went from 6 1/2 to a 5! I went from 205lbs to 95lbs~
   — jengrz

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