Lasik surgery

Wow, this is WAAAAAY off topic..but I know, love and trust you all and need some help. I am considering Lasik surgery, I'm looking for someone who has has it recently (in the last year or two). I just want to ask some questions, bad does it hurt during and after procedure?; how long do you have to go without wearing contacts (rigid gas perm) before they'll do surgery?; and how satisified are you with the results? Thanks..sorry for the off topic questions. (((hugs))) and smiles =))    — DebPKansas (posted on November 8, 2003)

November 8, 2003
I had the Lasik surgery 3 years ago after my sister and brother said how happy they were with the surgery. I rate it right up there with the gastric bypass surgery. It's one of those things you wish you wouldn't have waited so long for!! I am extremely pleased with the results, and NEVER felt any pain before, during, or after the procedure. My vision was very poor before Lasik, now my vision is 20/15. Only have great things to say about it. Just be 100% sure you are confident with the Dr. you choose. Very important!! Some Dr.'s are willing to do the surgery cheaper and are not as qualified as others. Mine was expensive, but he had an excellent track record and that was all I cared about. Best of luck to you!!
   — Patti S.

November 8, 2003
Heelo! I had Lasik done about a year and a half ago and next to WLS it is the best thing I've ever done for myself. I couldn't be happier with the results. The procedure is really quick and relatively painless. I was a little sensive to light for about 24 hours, but that's about it. I wore soft contacts, so not sure how long you have to leave out the gas perm - I had to have the disposibles out for about a week to ten days prior to the procedure. My vision is now 20/20.
   — Barbara C.

November 8, 2003
Just remember, Lasik surgery is not permanent. You may have to go back to wearing glasses. I have a friend who was leagally blind, and she had the surgury done 5 years ago. She was seeing fine, and recently she just had to return to wearing glasses, although her sight is not nearly as bad as it was. She is still happy that she had it done.
   — Marina U.

November 8, 2003
I had surgery about 2 1/2 years ago , it doesn't hurt , there is a slight sensation of sand in the eyes for a day or two not that bad , just can't rub those eyesand keep eyes from bright sunlight for a couple days and stay away from any dusty enviroments. it only takes a couple min to have it done and my surgeon made me stay in the office with the eyes shut for another 15 mons but it was well worth it, these days they have the surgery that corrects both near and far sidedness, at the time i only need it for the distance ( nearsided) but now i am getting to the reading glasses stage and have to wear glass to read but well worth it!!!! good luck
   — rhondan

November 8, 2003
Like everyone else, I thought Lasik was the best thing I'd done for myself, until WLS. <G> I had it done a little over a year ago and love it - I'm 20/20 and no reading glasses (age 42). I had worn gas permeable contacts for about 20 years, so I had to switch to disposable soft for 6 mos. before surgery, until we were sure my vision wasn't changing any more. I'm glad we waited that long - it was worth it. Practically painless, just minor inconvenience for the first week, but follow directions, use your eye drops & make your check ups. Then there are no problems at all. Good luck! ;->
   — barbdeane

November 8, 2003
Hi i had lasik going on 4 years in March 04 and it is one of the best things i can do for myself. I was wearing glasses since i was 5, and to be without glasses for 4 years is awesome. Just to let u know though, it is not permenent, u can end up wearing glasses again, due to blurred night vision or reading. I got glasses this year just to drive at night,and i don't wear them all the time. because the light from on coming cars are really blurred to me, but in the daytime, it is wonderful. Make sure u get a great dr, i paid $2000.00 for 1 eye, and my insurance paid $1800.00 for the other. It is much cheaper now, but get a good dr, don't go for cheap.
   — sexysag37

November 9, 2003
I had LASIK last December. I wore the soft contacts and had to have them out for about 3 weeks before my surgery, but I had also overworn mine for YEARS so I had a lot of blood vessels in my eyes that were enlarged (due to lack of oxygen) so the doc was trying to see if they'd go down any. The weeks of wearing my glasses (which I NEVER wore before!) were an adjustment, but worth it. The procedure was absolutely painless and fast, I was in and out in 45 minutes. Only missed one day of work (the day of surgery). I was sent home with a prescription for some pain medicine, but since it didn't hurt after surgery I didn't get it filled. I realized about an hour later, that the reason I didn't feel anything was the numbing drops they give you before surgery. The worst of it was a feeling that there was sand in my eyes for that first hour and then maybe another hour after I got the pain medicine. (I'd advise you get the medicine right after surgery and not be dumb like I was.) My surgery was at 8am and by 3pm I was seeing fine (with red eyes) by 7pm that evening, I was watching tv with everyone else. The next morning my eyes were clear as a bell (no redness or anything) and I drove myself back to the doctor's for my follow-up and then off to work. I agree with the previous poster - don't skimp on the doctor you choose. Lots of insurance companies cover at least a portion of the cost and I'd rather pay more for the best doctor I can find then risk my eyes to someone who's running a "special" price every week. I was a -9.75 or so (very near-sighted) before surgery and now I'm 20/20. I'm totally happy with the results and would do it again in a second!!! If you have any more questions, feel free to email.
   — Ryan M.

November 9, 2003
Hey there, I am a nurse that specialized in refractive surgery. I have been involved in the care of over 10,000 patients and have had it done myself. I love it, took a lot of guts to get me to the table but glad I did. I had it don'e June 9th 2003 and am still 20/15 in oth eyes. There are a lot of factors to see if it is right for isn't just I wear glasses so I must be a have to take into consideration your age, perscription. Please e-mail me with any specific questions you have. If I can't answer them I can forward it to one of my surgeons to help ya out. [email protected]
   — Sarah S.

November 9, 2003
Hiya all, originally poster here. You all have been the BEST thanks so much for all your help! (((hugs))) and smiles =)))
   — DebPKansas

November 9, 2003
I had lasik surgery 6 weeks after having Lap RNY in June. My lasik surgery was in July of this year. I am SOOOOO glad I had it done. It was a gift to myself after losing 50 pounds. I had made a pact with myself before I had WLS and decided to give myself certain things after losing 50, 100, and 150 pounds. I've lost 77 pounds so far and am already investigating doctors for my next 'gift'. I want to have my teeth whitened (professionally). The lasik surgery was a breeze. I couldn't feel a thing because they put in a ton of numbing drops. The whole procedure lasted about 15 minutes. They gave me a valium before the operation and I was feeling FINE! :) I now see better than perfect at 15/20 in both eyes!
   — sherrisantos

November 9, 2003
Deb, I had Lasik surgery this past Friday, believe it or not! I never have worn contacts, so don't know about that one. The hours after surgery, it just felt like there was something kind of in my eye, but it only bothered me on a scale of 3, 10 being bad. It was gone the next morning though. My vision still today (2 days later) is like a tiny bit blurry, like when you first wake up and need to rub to get sharper vision. He said that would go away after about a week, and my vision has improved already, but I can tell it will be better once the blur goes away. Absolutely no pain or irritation other than what I mentioned. A nice gift to yourself.
   — Michele B.

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