Has anyone drove to and from Mexico for surgery?

I will be going to mexico for wls and would like to know of anyones experience of driving to and from, especially from. My daughter and her finace will be doing the driving on the way back. Thanks.    — bubbleboo K. (posted on November 16, 2003)

November 16, 2003
We were just talking about a woman who went to mexico for her surgery in my support group and all I can tell you is DON'T DO IT! I had mine out of state and can't tell you how much i regret it. i had some complications and no surgeon in my home area would touch me so I had to fly back to where I had my surgery done for a 5 minute in-office procedure. Imagine if you have a complication and you're home, what will you do? Please look into to this further before traveling to another country, many surgeons have payment plans if your insurance won't cover it. Good luck :o)
   — michele T.

November 16, 2003
There are several people on this site that have gone to Mexico for their surgery. I'd check out their message board most have written of their experiences.
   — [Deactivated Member]

November 16, 2003
I am so glad you had the guts to post that opinion Michelle. I have watched the Q and A page for months, and have fel5t the same thing. I am in no way implying that Dr. Aguirre or others who operate in Mexico aren't wonderful, caring surgeons, but aftercare is critical. I was back in the hospital the next day for 4 days, a friend was in several times with wound infections, and others have had strictures. Very few surgeons will touch anothers's work. You always hope you will have it simple and easy, but you also cannot be given a guarantee. Please think this through very carefully, and yes, I can understand the desire to do this if you don't have insurance that will cover it, but think about the possibilities that may follow. Best of luck!!!!
   — Fixnmyself

November 16, 2003
HI!! First thing I will ask of you is never to take info from people who never been there! That's MOST important!! I can tell you this, I am a member of the South of the Boarder forum and It is absolutely wonderful! So much so that I decided to go to Dr. Aguirre for surgery and my date was just moved from Jan.23 to Dec.15! I am sooo excited about it! He is a fabolous surgeon and comes very highly reccomended! A ood friend of mine drove from Alabama there with her husband and children and had no problems, in fact I haven't read of anyone having to go back for problems, Now, on the topis of aftercare, speak to your family doc first and ask if he would help with aftercare, many are more supportive then people give them credit for. Besides, if something was THAT wrong with you, you best believe the ER will care for you!! The costs are low 1/8th the price of the states, the wait is only 5-6 mths and the doctor is fabolous. Don't take my word for it! Go to the forum and read for yourself! Good luck with your decision!! Feel free to email me with ANY questions! Jennifer
   — JigglyJen

November 16, 2003
My surgery was 4 hours away, and we drove. That distance wasn't all that bad, as it wasnt too uncomfortable and if difficulties surfaced, not too far to go. However, depending on the distance between you and your surgeon, I would recomend flying. There are alot of discount tickets to mexico and depending on how many people are going with you, could even be less expensive. You will not be a happy camper after surgery. Especially if you are in a foreign country, far from home. Besides, have you ever been to mexico? They don't pride themselves on the road conditions, or the insanity of the drivers. (wink) checkout orbits, or (actually I think they are the same now.) I got a flight from St. Louis to Cancun in peak season for under 400.00 once. Flights are quite reasonable now. Think of your health first hun, you WILL be uncomfortable in a car, especially having to stop every hour to walk around. Limit that as much as you can.
   — RebeccaP

November 16, 2003
Just a comment - make sure someone will treat you for your after care. The ER will NOT always treat some other surgeons mess up. I recently had my hernia repaired that I got from my WLS. I ended up with a bad wound infection and I went to my local ER - a different surgeon saw me and would not treat me - he did a culture from the drainage and did a CBC - that is all. He then called the surgeon who performed my hernia repair and arranged for me to be a direct admit at that hospital for treatment even though he knew I did not really want to go back there. I had no choice in the matter. I since then have had two more surgeries to work on this wound infection and have a large open area that requires a Wound Vac and Home Health visits.
   — Kelly B.

November 18, 2003
Ok, been there done this. I had a major surgery down there but before I went I consulted my PCP AND A LOCAL SURGEON to make sure he would care for me in the event I needed any aftercare or had any complications after I returned home. They were very shocked but I explained the situation and the money factor. They were understanding and since they KNEW I couldn't afford to have it done locally agreed to care for me. I never used the local surgeon when I returned home but did utilize my PCP regularly. I'd say if you can afford it state side - do. If not don't be afraid to go. My surgeon was fabulous and so was his care. I came home on antibiotics as a preventative plus I didn't rush home. I stayed 6 days post op being cared for daily by my doctor and his nursing staff. I agree to get your ducks in a row but don't let people tell you you're crazy for going to MX for surgery. A LOT of folks do. We're not all so lucky to have insurance or insurance that will cover it nor the money to pay locally. MX was like a fourth the cost of what they wanted here and I got even more for my money there, actually a LOT more. BTW, I had about an hour drive or so back to the US airport. I had to switch planes mid trip and then I had another 2 hours home from the airport. If you can fly faster I'd do it. Post surgery is MISERABLE.
   — Shelly S.

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