Insurers that pay for plastics

i was wondering if anyone was willing to list insurers that pay for plastics without jumping thur major hoops. i have military insurance and would like to buy more coverage from a company that is known to pay for plastics. i looked on the site for insurers for my state for plastics, but there weren't any yet. thanks!    — franbvan (posted on December 19, 2003)

December 18, 2003
Anthem BC/BS approved my tummy tuck, but not the breasts. Before I could get together an appeal, I found out I was pregnant so all that is on hold. Good Luck, I have heard it is hard to get individual insurance coverage after WLS.
   — Ali M

December 18, 2003
Hi! It took one appeal but Cigna EPO AZ approved me for my tummy tuck. I had surgery November 17,2003 :) Good Luck!
   — Stephanie B.

December 18, 2003
Fran, I believe we have the same insurance carrier, Tricare, correct? I was a lightweight and only had 100 lbs to lose so my panni doesn't hang at all but just looks terrible. My PCP wrote a letter to Tricare indicating the 'medical necessity' of me having an abdominoplasty because of chronic rashes that developed in the creases. Tricare sent me to a PS. He thought I would benefit from a complete lower body lift which lifts the outer thighs, buttocks and of course the abdominoplasty as well. Tricare approved the entire lower body lift and not just the abdominoplasty. I live in So Cal and I'm not sure if my region is easier to get approved or not but they approved it after the first request and I didn't even have to appeal. They flat out denied the breast lift and arm lift and the rep told me they 'never' approve either of those as they've never seen a case that was really medically necessary. Just wanted you to know my experience. Let me know how you fair with Tricare. Good luck~
   — Vicki S.

December 19, 2003
Hi. I have TriCare Prime for regions 3 and 4. My PCP referred me to a plastic surgeon and the surgeon took pictues of me and wrote a letter to TriCare. They approved me for everything I asked for. The breast lift will be covered; however, they may not cover the cost of the actual implants (about $1000). I'm scheduled for surgery on Jan. 16. Good Luck to you.
   — Sarah K.

December 19, 2003
Aetna EPO approved my Tummy and Arms on the first try (I sent pics and medical necessity letter along with office notes that showed I had spoken to the PCP about rashes and sores. They approved my Hips, Thighs, and Butt after sending more embarrassing pics, writing a thorough appeal letter (Sue Barr has good letters on her web site), and my surgeon sending another appeal letter (we had to appeal two levels). Anyway, it was well worth it and they have been good to me the whole way. Good Luck. I should also mention that even if you go to any of these insurance companies, it will still depend on your individual policy.
   — Beffy W.

December 19, 2003
I have Independence Blue Cross Blue Shield PPO through Comcast (AT&T Broadband) - My Tummy tuck and inner thigh lift was approved first try with no appeals. My hip lift, butt lift, breast lift, and arm lift was approved on 1st appeal. I had rashes, infections, back, neck, and shoulder pain and documented everything everytime I had a break out. I also took lots of pics each time and went to the doctor each time. I had all of my doctors write me letters supporting my need for RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY (Never call it plastic when it comes to the insurance companies. Good luck.
   — Teena A.

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