has any lightweight had their pannis removed when they were

50 pounds from goal? i wish i could wait untill i get to goal, but i can't because of insurance and my rashes are out of control because of working out. i would also like to get a thigh lift at the sametime(i will self pay this part) or liposuction on the upper inner thigh. if you had this down 50 pounds away from goal and then reached your does it look now? if anyone has any pics to share that would really be great. when i have mine done i will post my pics to help other people too. thanks    — franbvan (posted on January 24, 2004)

January 24, 2004
My plastic surgeon says to wait till you're within 10-15 pounds of goal weight. Losing more than that would create another panni.
   — dianne E.

January 24, 2004
poster here: yes i know it would be much better to wait, but because of the reasons above i can't. at my top weight of 315 i never was really big up top and i always had a well defined waist. my weight was all on the bottom. i am pear shaped. if i were apple shaped i can see how i would get another pannis, but if the doctor does the pannis removal on me now........there is no way i will have enough skin even after getting to goal to have another pannis. by the time i do have the surgery i should be 30 pounds to goal. thanks for your help
   — franbvan

January 24, 2004
my understanding is that there's a difference between having your panni removed and a tummy tuck. Is that what you're thinking? Having the panni taken off now, and a tummy tuck at goal? Have you discussed this with your doctor?
   — lorien

January 25, 2004
poster: my doctor says that if i have the panni removed i won't need a tummy tuck later if i don't want one(which i don't). i just want to know from other lightweights who HAD this done 50 pounds from goal and then reached goal, how they like their results and if they have any pics to share.
   — franbvan

January 26, 2004
If you want the best results, you need to wait until your 20 pounds from goal. You'll be much happier with the results.
   — Patty H.

January 26, 2004
poster:i'm sorry i think i haven't worded something right. thank you so much for your answers to my question, but they aren't the answers i was looking for. i would LOVE to wait to have it done, but I can't because of my insurance and other medical problems(some are not wls related) so if i am going to have it done it must be now. yes i know it is better to wait, but that wasn't my question. again thank you so much for your answers and willingness to help.
   — franbvan

January 27, 2004
I would go by whatever advice my plastic surgeon gives me. He/she should know.
   — squeejlueej

January 27, 2004
For me, if it was a "have it now, or never have it" type situation, I would go ahead and have it removed and worry about how it looks at goal once you get there. It may not be that bad once you get down to goal. Good Luck.
   — Ali M

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