How do I eat out?

I am 2 months post-op eating solids. Our children are taking us out tomorrow night to celebrate my husband's retirement. My question is this. How do I order? Do I order an appetizer and use that as my meal? Or do I order an entree and just eat a couple of bites? I just don't know what to do and I could use some advice from some of you more experienced WLS veterans. (By the way, I've lost over 40 lbs. and feel wonderful!} Thanks advance for your help.    — Judith W. (posted on February 6, 2004)

February 6, 2004
I would wait and decide what you are in the mood for tomorrow. I am not a fan of appetizers as a lot of them are fried. Maybe get a salad and then bum off of everyone else's plate for meat? :)
   — mrsmyranow

February 6, 2004
I always order my 'meal' and eat what I want. Then ask for a 'box' and take home the REST... espeically newly post you'll have alot of left overs.. make great meals...enjoy! In fact, ask for the box up front, that way you can get rid of most of what your not going to eat and dont have to let it sit or have the waiter ask 'if everything is alright'.. enjoy your dinner. the other poster is right too.. the aphatizers are using fried... dont taste good...
   — star .

February 6, 2004
I always order what I want and ask for a small salad plate. I then put what I can eat on that and only eat what I put on the small plate. Then take the rest home. Before I did this I overate and was very uncomfortable. I couldn't tell how much I had eaten when I ate from the big plate. Also beware course meals. Im bad to be very hungry and eat too much of my salad and then can't enjoy my meal.
   — jenafwife

February 6, 2004
When I was early out and ate out, I would just order a shrimp cocktail and ask them to bring it with the rest of the dinners...or order a regular meal, eat my little bit and get a doggie bag for the rest of it...JR
   — John Rushton

February 6, 2004
I absolutely LOVE eating out now because it means leftovers! I'm getting so much more for my dollar now. LOL. But honestly, I really do. I usually order whatever I want off the menu, but skip the appetizers or salads. Or if I'm not very hungry at all, I'll get a small salad and take a bite off of someone else's food just to try (asking permission before of course!) It's really become an enjoyable thing for me know. If I only take a few bites of something and then ask for a box, the waitstaff will fret, worried I didn't like the meal. I tell them it was just fine, I'm just not hungry. :)
   — Ann B.

February 6, 2004
I am just a year out, but even as far back as 2 months, I order the same way. I look and see what is on the menu. If the appetizers are greasy fried stuff, then I either order a meal that I like and bring home the leftovers, or convince my son to choose something I can eat and share with him. A few weeks ago he was in the mood for fettucini and chicken alfredo---the chicken was grilled and he prefers the pasta part. The diner charged $3.00 for sharing and included a second dinner salad. It was perfect. I ate a good part of the salad, then some grilled chicken and a taste of the pasta. We still had leftovers. You will figure it out, I am sure. Good luck!
   — Fixnmyself

February 6, 2004
A good choice at a lot of restaurants is a salad that has some kind of protein added to it. Like a crab salad, a grilled chicken salad, sirloin or whatever. A lot of time when I go out, I get a baked potato with all the fixings. Of course I never finish it all, but it's a self-contained meal in and of its self and I feel "Normal". Some places, the appetizer menu is good, but a lot of the popular chains server mostly fried stuff for appetizers, which I try to avoid. One restaurant we go to, I order a half pound of crab legs. That's approximately 3-4 oz. of actual meat when you go through it. Looks like a huge meal, but you're only actually getting a little bit. I ask them to substitute cocktail sauce for the butter they usually bring and it works out great.
   — Cathy S.

February 6, 2004
I ether ask for a second plate (and tell them I've had wls) or just order a regular meal and tell them I've had wls. My experience has been VERY POSITIVE when they know I've had wls. That way they don't fret when I have'nt ate much and usually the waitress' know people personally who have had wls so it makes for a nice conversation. They really freak out when you don't eat much. Can you blame them? People usually eat most or all of their food... we leave most! Surely something must be wrong with the food if we don't eat it. Anyway, this has worked out well for me.
   — Danmark

February 6, 2004
if i order an entree, i ask for a to go box just after ordering. that way, i only eat what's on my plate, and it makes other people at my table feel less guilty. normaly though, i usualy get a dinner salad and grilled veggies if available, or a cup of soup. i'll have a protein bar later if i've not got enough protein in for the day... it just takes a little dicepline and pre planning.out 9 mos, down 96 lbs.
   — mellyhudel

February 6, 2004
I rarely eat out b/c I always dump from over-eating or eating the wrong things. I do know how to limit myself now and stopped ordering and taking my left overs home, now I order a drink and just munch off my husband and kids plates and im happy with that. Good luck!
   — Sandy M.

February 6, 2004
When I have to eat at a restaurant and order for myself, I look for things like a grilled chicken sandwich (hold the bun, please!) and ask if I can have a small salad (or early on, mashed potatoes) instead of fries or whatever. Sometimes you can get steamed vegetables. Another option is to have a cup of soup and an appetizer. If you can't eat all of the appetizer, it is perfectly okay to share. I don't care to bring home leftovers, so my last option is to bring home what I can't eat. Also, some restaurants will allow you to order "luncheon portions" which are smaller than the dinner portions. Now the celebration is AROUND the table, and not ON the table! Congratulations on the loss!
   — koogy

February 7, 2004
I order a meal that is a good protein selection without being greasy or sugary. I will pick at my salad or soup and I take home more than 3/4 of my main course. I then have lunch to take to work for the next three days.
   — ChristineB

February 7, 2004
I always order an entree that is high in protein and substitute the potato with a vegetable, and take at least half of it home. I usually eat the salad since it tastes horrible the next day, but the entree and veggie side are great for lunch or dinner the next day.
   — kultgirl

February 7, 2004
Judith, I eat out a lot with my mom. We order one entree and I eat a small amount of it and she eats the rest. It works well & we both have plenty to eat.We save lots of money. Good luck..Jane Farmer.
   — peanutpatty

February 7, 2004
Save your money and SHARE with your Hubby or someone..YOu cant even eat enough to order from the Childrens Menu. Good Luck, when I was 2 mos I was stille ating only 2 oz/ 2 1/2 oz so Wow enjoy if you can.
   — lukimom

February 8, 2004
I always eat off my hubby's plate, and if I have to order a side item like green beans or something. He dosnt like any veggies. At 6mts and 7days later, we still share a plate every where we go. God Bless, Connie Lee 310/215
   — CONNIE L.

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