Can anyone explain why this is happening to me?

I just got the results of my newest labs and I freaked! I am 2 1/2 years post RNY proximal and am still following the low carb, high protein diet and exercising. Despite that my total cholesterol, triglycerides, and glucose have all gone up!! My cholesterol and triglycerides were borderline normal 6 months ago and are now abnormal. The glucose was normal 6 months ago and is now abnormal---what is going on?? (yes I was fasting when I took the tests)! Linda open RNY proximal 7/01 260/160/145    — LLinderman (posted on March 7, 2004)

March 7, 2004
Its possibly a LAP error. I think you should have them re run before getting upset. Some levels can be effected by eating within a few days of the test, so be careful of what you eat immediately before the test. Get a HC1a done as well to check your blood glucose over 3 months. I wouldnt panic till you get another complete blood work run. Let us know what happens
   — bob-haller

March 7, 2004
Sorry I meant LAB error.
   — bob-haller

March 7, 2004
Well a high protein diet will raise those things, but I wouldn't panic until you get a 2nd opinion.
   — mrsmyranow

March 7, 2004
Before I had WLS, I was a VERY rigid Atkins dieter, and would be in ketosis for very prelonged periods of time. I should preface all of this by saying that it was not under a doctor's supervision, and I yo-yo'd like crazy. Also, I was a dieabetic and didn't know it. <br><br> I developed severe pancreatitis due to triglycerides- my level was 6,600. The pancreatitis necrotized and I nearly died. Was in the hospital for over 4 months and had 12 abdominal surgeries. My pancreas is about 1/6 the size it used to be.<br><br>After WLS I still do a very low carb diet because of my diabetes (and lack of pancreas) but I also eat very little fat as well. You can get in a lot of protein and still watch the fat, which will help keep the triglycerides down.<br><br> I agree with previous posts. Get the tests re-run as well.<br><br> Also, are you getting in enough water?<br><br> Take care, and good luck!
   — kultgirl

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