I have been bleeding for 5 months and am on Depo-Provera

for birth control. Very concerned and scared!! This started after Open RNY on 9-30-03. Have tried Provera and Premarin but nothing works. Ultrasound is negative with the exception of fibriods (doc says nothing to worry about). I am scheduled for a Endometrial Biopsy on 03-26. This is destroying my sex life!!!!!!! I have lost a total of 111.5 lbs with 45 more to go and sex should be amazing but alas not for me. Any help would be appreciated. Rachelle Open RNY 9-30-03 280/168.5    — smmeow (posted on March 23, 2004)

March 23, 2004
I to had the exact same problem same birth control exactly 1 week after I had lap RNY 4/2/03. I started bleeding and continued seemed like forever. Went to MD several times, ultrasounds and different kinds of pills to stop the bleeding. Finally they put me on a really big dose birth control pill, cant remember the name of it, and I say about 2-3 months it finally straightened out(being on the BIG pill) I probley bleed for about 7-8 months. Now I have a IUD. Not to wild about it, Im freakin out scared it wont protect, so I dont enjoy sex for that reason now not cus of the weight.Ive lost 115 lbs Im so scared Ill get pregnant and gain weight back. I have 2 kids and do not want anymore. I go see a plastic surgeon in April and Im hoping when I get a tummy tuck they can tie my tubes at the same time. Your body went through alot during this surgery and its kinda like a shock to it. If you were like me I didnt have a period at all on the depo shot until I had surgery. Your body will readjust and get back to normal before long. Be patient. Easier said than done. Good luck.
   — Carrie W.

March 23, 2004
I was on the same thing and had spotting and bleeding for six months. After six months the bleeding stopped and I never tried it again.
   — Angela J.

March 23, 2004
I'm a pre-op, but when I take Depo-Prevora (I had the shots) as long as I kept getting the shots, I kept having a period. After a year, I got fed up and quit taking the shots. My periods regulated again after that. I didn't have heavy bleeding every single day. Mine was more like a light flow everyday and then really heavy flow days on my usual cycle. I wish you luck!
   — Shayna T.

March 23, 2004
My doctor told me it was because of the big weight loss, you body is changing therefore some people get heavy periods and almost all the time and others do not get any period at all afterwards, I guess we are the unlucky ones
   — Rosemary L.

March 23, 2004
vitamin k 100 mcg, did the trick 4 me.
   — Christi S.

March 23, 2004
I was on depo for almost 6 years and only had 5 periods in that time...opposite of you. When I stopped it, I basically bled 10-12 days straight with only 7 days in between it ending and restarting. I had an endometrial ablation ( is where you can find some info on it) and it was the BEST! If you want to get pregnant again, it's not the route to go, as they destroy the endometrial lining. It was a quick hospital visit, and I cramped for about 10-12 hours and that was all. Best part, no period in 13 months now (which is normal after the procedure). I go through the motions, like a little bloating and stuff like that, but just no period. Good luck to you.
   — M. Me

March 23, 2004
Had the same problem Vitiam K is the best thing and have a DNC to reset everything and you will get pregnant. Also after that DNC have one period wait 10 days when ovalation begins and start having sex then. An egg will be there and stay in bed 1/2 hour before getting up.. good luck to you may all your dreams come true. Gods little blessings
   — Tammy P.

March 23, 2004
Are you getting enough calcium? Three years ago I started my period on schedule but I didn't stop in 6 days like normal. I had a hysterectomy(sp)in July but my Chiropractor suggest I start taking calcium and it stopped the bleeding. So I would try that.
   — emmalou

March 24, 2004
I knew a girl who did not have WLS and she got the shot and did the exact same thing, she had a period the entire time she was on it, I guess it is not very common though. After she used a different method everything was fine. I think she was on it for at least 6 months, so try not to be worried, I have seen it happen before. I hope your tests all come out ok! GOOD LUCK!!!!
   — Saxbyd

March 24, 2004
I was on Depo for 5 months and bled the whole time. I stopped taking the shots, was put on a hormone patch and after 2 months was right as rain again. That was miserable time I will tell you. Depo just isn't right for some people is what my OB/GYN told me. I guess I fall int hat category! Good luck!
   — Tiffany B.

March 24, 2004
I bled the entire time I was on depo.....I switched birth control methods very quickly.I've heard other people who have had a similiar problem.On the patch now and loving it.
   — jennifer A.

March 24, 2004
Talk to your doc about giving you the shots more often. They just need to code them as irregular bleeding and insurance will cover them. Coded as birth control it will raise a flag. <p>I came off of 9 months of continuous heavy bleeding on BCP's when I started Depo in 1995. The usual is that you will have bleeding at first but then it slows down. For me it instantly shut off, which was weird. I went for 6 weeks with no bleeding and then started in but it was way less than it had been. In order to eventually get my body to settle down and stop bleeding we had to increase the frequency of the shots. Evidently my body just needed more progesterone to deal with the hormone imblanace I must have. I eventually was on 6 week shots for about 2 years and then we worked our way to 8 week shots. I stayed on 8 week shots until about 7 months after my WLS and down about 160 lbs. We then started to slowly stretch out the distance. I did okay at 9 weeks but when I went to 10 weeks I had bleeding again. So I am going back to 8 weeks and intend to stay there for the rest of my life. So even though I am a much more normal weight etc. my body still needs the extra progesterone. <p>One option would be a D&C and get the lining removed hence eliminating the tissue that produces the bleeding. All I can tell you is if you hang in there Depo can be the best thing you've ever chosen to use. It took me about 15 months before I had zero bleeding. By that time if I had some it was so minimal it just would show up on toilet paper, didn't even need a pad. I've been on the Depo since 1995 and it's been a wonderful thing for my body. A few months ago I had my tubes tied yet I will continue on the Depo as that's what's needed to keep my body happy. I realize Depo is birth control but at 43 I was paranoid of getting pregnant and want extra assurance. <p>If you shift BC methods now it will likely take time to switch your hormones over to that and some bleeding would occur, so sticking it out with the Depo is worth it. You've made it this far and the lining has to be working it's way down, so hang in there!
   — zoedogcbr

March 25, 2004
Hey, Rachelle. I saw someone mentioned tha patch in an earlier response, and wanted to comment that it is not considered a reliable form of birth control UNTIL YOU ARE UNDER 196 POUNDS. My ob/gyn just told me this in February, and gave me info on it, explaining that. I ended up getting the Depo because I was at 204 then. A month later, I'm 194 and can't wait till this next couple months on Depo fly by. My periods went from light and 3 days long to light but 11 days long! (Only one period since starting it.) It sucks. Anyway, just wanted to give anyone reading this a head's up about the patch, because although you are light enough to get full protection from it, some may not be. :)
   — jenn_jenn

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