Requesting suggestions with getting back on track.

I am 11 months out from open RNY, down 85# and have found that I can eat a small amount of just about anything. I have not dumped yet, though I have not pushed the envelope so to speak and probably have not eaten enough sugar or greasy foods to push me over the top and cause me to dump. I also only have about 1/4 of my pancreas (was taken out due to having pancreatitis in 1991) so that might be a facter in me not dumping. So, for me eating just about anything is coming to the point of me eating a lot of junk foods, nothing seems to really bother me, food wise. But, what really is bothering me (mentally) is that the weight loss has just about stopped and I know that it is because I am taking in too many carbs and other junk, even over the 1/2 cup limit that has been set by my doctor's office for a meal and for the 3 snacks that I am to have in a day. The 3 snacks are supposed to be smaller meals, about 100 calories each. Bringing my total of calories in a day to 1000-1100. I have another 26# that I want to loose to be at my goal. My question is to all of you out there what things have helped you to stay on track to loose the remaining pounds? Give me your feedback and suggestions on how you stayed on track mentally and physically. I have let the exercise slip a little also, not out of laziness just being plain busy with Easter coming up and we (DH and I, who also has had open RNY) are going on a cruise on April 21st. I am open to your suggestions. Christine open RNY 5/7/03 241/156/130    — ChristineB (posted on April 9, 2004)

April 9, 2004
Hi Christine! You can do this! You already see the problem, so it's time to get to work. When the carb monster creeped in on me, I followed Dr. Fox's Plateau busting diet and boom, 5lbs gone, felt better and the carb monster was snuffed out. It was easier to remain vigilant after getting control of the carb urge. 1. Do this for 10 days 2. IF IT IS NOT ON THE LIST YOU CANNOT HAVE IT. NOT ON THE LIST...DON'T PUT IT NEAR YOUR MOUTH! 3. Keep a food diary and get 30 minutes of exercise daily 4. You must have 45 grams of protein supplement and all your vitamin and mineral supplements each day. 5. You must drink 2 quarts of water a day. 6. You may consume up to 3 oz of the following high-protein foods, 5 times a day: beef,pork,chicken,turkey,lamb, fish, eggs, low-fat cheese,cottage cheese, plain yogurt or artificially sweetend, peanut butter (natural) beans/legumes 7. You may also have sugar free popsicles, tea or coffee, sugar-free sodas, sugar free jello (not the pudding) broths and bouillons and crystal lite Do this and reset yourself over the next 10 days. When you start adding in carbs, stay away from sugar and white starchy junk. The stuff that makes you feel sleepy. This can help you get back on track.
   — dimpkd

April 9, 2004
Christine and Kristen: THANK YOU for this post!!! I am 2 days shy of my 1-year anniversary, and have been plateaued since OCTOBER (mostly due to carbs!!!) :( I've lost 85 lbs., but still have 65 lbs. to go, and would love to meet this goal by the end of the year. This plateau-busting diet looks completely "do-able", and I'll be eternally grateful! Dawn Lap RNY 04/11/03 296/211/150
   — momstah

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