Has anyone taken phentermine?

Has anyone taken Phentermine (Adipex, Fastin, Ionamin)and did it work? I would like to know about anyone's experiences with this drug. Thank you in advance.    — hari1040 (posted on May 22, 2004)

May 22, 2004
I have taken all of the above at one time or another. Are they still around? I lost weight on them but within 6 months, I had put the weight I lost back on plus more! Pills will cause you to eat less because they make you feel less hungry, but long-term the only thing I got out of the pills is a HEART PROBLEM! My Dr has tried to explain it to me, there is something wrong with my valves. I have to take major antibiotics to go to the dentist or have anything done to me that could cause bacteria get into my blood stream. If those pills are still around, I would advise against taking them.
   — rowdyramona

May 22, 2004
I have taken them all and the only thing I can say is that you can loose weight on them but you will put it right back on and then some when and if you stop taking them or they can become ineffective after a while your body gets used to them.
   — Dee Ann A.

May 22, 2004
I have taken Phentermine and it did work for awhile because it is an appetite suppressant. I watched what I ate and I worked out and was able to loose 40 pounds in about 4 months. The only thing about Phentermine is that once you stop taking it your appetite is sure to come back. In my opinion pills are a waste of time because it doesn't teach you to eat right or watch your portions and that is why they seem to fail.
   — davesband1

May 22, 2004
I took it years ago and I did lose some weight. It came back on immediately and lots more after I stopped taking it though. I felt hungrier than ever.
   — mom2jtx3

May 22, 2004
i took this too. your only supposed to take it for a short time and then stop and then start again. the only problem is when you stop taking it your hunger becomes uncontrollable and you regain.
   — franbvan

May 22, 2004
I took phentermine and lost about 75 lbs, but I had to go off of them because I got pregnant. I gained almost 100 lbs with my pregnancy. The 75 lbs came back within 4 months and the rest was more gradual. The problem with them is that you are only allowed to on them for 3 months at a time, and they expect you to do th rest on your own, but when you go off of them, it is harder than before you ever took them because all you want to do is eat!!
   — jennifer S.

May 22, 2004
I took phentermine it worked great till you stop it and then ,,,,,,,,,,u guessed it you gain it back and some ,,,,you cant take it for ever and that is just what would happen you wouldnt be able to go off of it and its not your body could get ammune to it and then it doesnt work.
   — digitalcat

May 23, 2004
Yes, I have taken phentermine on and off for years. It works while you are taken it for about a month at a time. Then your body gets used to it and the effects start to wear off unless you increase your dose which might not be a very healthy thing to do.
   — Shelly A.

May 23, 2004
I took adipex for approximately 6 weeks. I took 1/2 pill everyday and was ALWAYS hungry. It never, in any way, decreased my appetite. And during the full six weeks, I suffered with PVC's (irregular heart beats), so after discussing it with the physician who had prescribed the pills, I discontinued it immediately.
   — Katherine F.

May 23, 2004
I took it the first time my senior year in high school. I lost 60 pounds in three months. I wasn't eating anything. Because of it I messed up my gallbladder. In the end I gained back 120 pounds.
   — Cameron Van Winkle

May 23, 2004
I took this for many years. I could lose on it till I stopped. Then would regain. I cleaned house like mad!!! If you are thinking of using this for an aid to lose weight till surgery go for it if your Surgeon approves. But make sure to stop before surgery at a specific date. If your considering using this as your only diet aid to lose more than 100lbs blah blah ... please do think of bypass surgery instead. This diet supplement can work but only while taking it. After surgery.. if you are DS or RnY this med won't work on us .. its time released and wont stay in our tummy long enuff to be effective. Best wishes!!
   — WLS_Deb

May 24, 2004
I also took Phen Fen in 1997. Lost a ton of weight, which in a year or so came back 2 fold....and I too, also had a lasting heart problem. I was only 46 years old and had to have 3 stents put in my heart......I would not recommend anyone to take is a very dangerous drug!!
   — Pat J.

May 29, 2004
The drug can cause SEVERE blood pressure problems if you are going to have general anesthesia. It must be stopped well in advance of any surgery, and you must tell all doctors involved in your care that you have taken it.
   — DrL

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