Reached goal, then gained 10 pounds, is this normal?

I reached my goal, actually went 10 pounds under. It was not difficult to get to my weight of 130. Just stayed with mostly protein. Naturally I was thrilled to get to that weight! (I'm 5'7). I stayed at 130/132 for about 5 months. Then I started "testing the waters" so to speak (big mistake). It's just that during the 5 months at 130ish I'd always found it quite easy to lose an extra 2 or 3 pounds. Well, I put on 6 during my "testing" phase, then started on Zoloft (for anxiety)and shot up another 4 pounds! It's not that I think 140 pounds is so bad. I just loved being 10 pounds lighter. Now it is VERY difficult to loose. What's happening? Is this where my body is suppose to be? Could it be the Zoloft? Thanks so much for any ideas!    — Stacy L. (posted on June 4, 2004)

June 4, 2004
You have to remember that our fat cells are always going to be there. They are just waiting for us to "test the waters" Its very easy to gain if we're not 100% with the wls "rules" I go up and down 5-8 pounds. I know exactly why I go up. If I stick with the "rules" there is no weight gain. Think of it as a learning tool. You've found out how much you can "test the waters" without gain. Best of Luck!
   — ZZ S.

June 4, 2004
I know also why my weight goes up,, the testing the waters so to speak is not a good thing, I stay right at 106 to 110 pounds if I eat mostly protein and low carb, but as soon as I start adding too many carbs my weight goes up!!!I don't test the waters very often !!!:)
   — bikerchic

June 6, 2004
In my opinion 10 pounds gain then lose is better than 100.I would just take in more protein.
   — Holly H.

June 6, 2004
Stacy from everything I've researched, read and spoke to longer Post-Ops. Statiscially, most WLS Post-ops gain 10-30 pounds back over a period of time. However, if you look at the positive side - 30 pound gain from someone who was morbidly obese is satisfactory. Also, gaining weight (but taking control) is the a lifetime conquest.
   — Anna M.

June 6, 2004
You sound as frustrated as I am. I began testing the waters and then had a hard time giving up the foods I loved. It was just like I never had surgery. I also have gained 10-12 pounds and I am trying to lose it again. This time seems to be a challenge. I am going back to protein. I want to be where I was last summer. Good luck to you.
   — stephisav

June 8, 2004
Stacy, Yes it could very well be the Zoloft. My PCP told me that it can cause weight gain. I also read a book called,"Your drug may be your problem : how and why to stop taking psychiatric drugs". This book says that Zoloft can cause obseity. I took Zoloft for several years and I have finally weened myself off very very slowly (using the suggestions from my PCP and the book). Please talk to you prescribing physician and let them know about the weight gain. Good luck, I am still waiting for approval and a date.
   — Susan T.

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