anyone else get nauseous @ 6 months?

I have gotten nauseous a few times in the past few months, out of the blue. It is always when my stomach is empty, often times in the morning. It happens most times when I am peeing......... it's very strange. Is this something to worry about? Has anyone heard of this? Thanks for your comments.    — glblgal (posted on June 20, 2004)

June 20, 2004
I get that too sometimes. Mine is a dry heave. I start to feel a little nauseous, then it starts. Nothing comes out, but after a little while of doing it, it stops and I feel better. I guess I'm no help. I don't know why it happens... Karyn 9/8/03 271/151.5/122...?
   — Karyn

June 20, 2004
Rhonda...I don't know if this helps or not. I'm about 5 1/2 months post op and I have experienced some strange feelings for about the past couple of months. It comes on me pretty fast and usually when I havne't had time to eat as much as I should for breakfast or when I haven't eaten at all for one reason or another. I suddenly start to feel extremely nervous inside. My hands start to shake uncontrollably, so much so that I can't even hold a utensil in my hands. I begin to sweat and my heart races. I described it to my surgeon and he said I may be having a little episode of hypoglycemia or maybe some dumping. He told me to immediately drink some orange juice and try to get something in my stomach such as crackers with peanut butter. I have done this and it usually works in about 15-20 minutes making me feel better. Now, whether it's hypoglycemia or not, I just don't know. My PCP doesn't think it is (but, unfortunately, he's not one a doctor who will listen to his patients and give advice or suggestions). I have started keeping packages of the cheese and peanut butter snack crackers with me at all times. When it happens, I eat some immediately and eventually I get better, but it generally takes several minutes. I had a couple of episodes where I wasn't able to get something to eat and drink immediately and I actually felt as if I were blacking out. My vision started to go dark from the outside in...kind of like I was going into a tunnel. I actually got a speeding ticket a couple of weeks ago because it hit me on my way home from a church meeting and I was about 6 miles from my house when I turned off the highway. It hit me approximately one mile off the highway and I speeded up so I could get home quickly enough that I wouldn't have that feeling of blacking out. I got stopped and I tried to explain to the policeman I was really feeling sick and needed to get home to the bathroom but he didn't care...told me he wouldn't keep me too long. So, after 8 minutes, he brought my ticket back to me and I had been having dry heaves for over 5 minutes in a baggy I just happened to have in my car. So, I still don't know if I am experiencing hypoglycemia or not. I don't have any way to check my blood sugar (I've never been a diabetic and have only dumped a couple of times...both times on regular food...I've never eaten any sugar since my surgery). Call your surgeon or your PCP and see if they'll schedule you for some glucose tolerance testing or fasting blood sugars. I just wanted my doc to write a prescription for a blood sugar monitoring device and strips, but he wouldn't. Hope this helps. Good luck and God bless.
   — Katherine F.

June 20, 2004
I get the same symptoms sometimes in the morning. I usually haven't eaten yet. It is when I need to have a bowel movement. When I finally go, it gets better.
   — catleth

June 21, 2004
Dear Rhoda, I am a diabetic, what you are describing sounds to me like an incident of low blood sugar. What you need to do is get a doctor have you tested for low blood sugar. You can have a glucose tolerance test at a testing center like Quest or as an outpatient by your local hospital. It takes up to four hours, but is well worth it. They will be able to tell you if you are suffering from bouts of low blood sugar. For low blood sugar the best thing to have is something liquid as it gets into your blood stream faster. Orange juice is the old standby, or if you can tolerate sweets you can always carry a few candies, and the drug store does sell glucose tablets that taste like a big candy. You should never drive while experiencing low blood sugar, as you can harm yourself and others. The best thing to do is get to your doctor and talk about what you are experiencing. Best of luck. Judi Wines
   — Judith W.

June 21, 2004
Yes! I get Nauseous too! It's always when I'm hungry (which is every 2 1/2 hours) and sometimes when I get up in the morning. I eat a Tums first thing. That helps for a while. I have normal blood sugar, but I notice a real change in how I feel if my blood sugar gets low and/or I haven't eaten. My nutritionist says it's from eating sugar (cinnamon graham crackers). I don't want to believe this is true! it's the only sweet I have at 3 months out! Hope this helps you to feel that you're not the only one. I sure wish I knew exactly what causes this. It is not dumping cuz it doesn't ever happen after eating. Good luck.
   — mary ellen W.

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