Has anyone here taken the drug Megace and experienced weight gain?

Im going in for an endometrial ablation on Aug 6th and the doc has put me on this to get ready for surgery. I havent done anything different diet or exercise wise but I was on the drug for about a week-week and a 1/2 and all of a sudden boom, gained about 5 lbs. Maybe Im just paranoid, I guess it's just Ive worked so hard at losing weight Im scared Im going to gain it back. Thanks!    — Kris T. (posted on July 29, 2004)

July 29, 2004
Hi, If i remember correctly. Megace has a appetite stimulant effect. Have you noticed an increase in appetite/ food intake?
   — kim F.

July 29, 2004
I work in a nursing home. Megace is what our doctors put patients on when they don't feel like eating. It is an appetite stimulant, also. Maybe the DOC could switch you to something similar without that "side effect".
   — Connie M.

July 31, 2004
I am an OB/GYN Nurse Practitionere and I never use Megace, for the reasons listed below. I would give you Lupron, it is a shot (1 mo and 3 mos available)that chemically temp. puts you into menopause. We love it and so do our patients. You can have a slight loss of bone denisity 1-2% (will reverse)so you should take calcium.
   — Kerijohnson

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