I was prescribed Wellbutrin XL for depression and developed an allergic reation...

I had an extremely painful red inflamed rash on my entire body, and now am taking Lexapro. Has anyone taken the Lexapro and how did you/they like it? I worry about the weight gain since I have lost 140 pounds and fear of gaining back...Thank You for any feedback    — april-michele D. (posted on October 16, 2004)

October 16, 2004
I have been on Lexapro for almost two years now (I have bipolar disorder). I had RNY 7 weeks ago and haven't missed a dose. I have lost 40 lbs. Due to my disorder I have taken about every anti-depressant known to man. Lexapro is a GOOD one in my opinion. It is weight neutral. I have gained weight on others but not on Lexapro.
   — jnetk

October 16, 2004
Hi! I take Lexapro with great success. NO WT. gain. I also take Trasedone to sleep. NO WT. gain. Both are wt. nuetral. Hope the Lexapro helps. It's a great RX for depression. Been on it for 3+ years. Good Luck, Kathy... open rny/ June 23, 2003....Hernia surgery/ Nov. 12, 2003...T/T June 21, 2004....5'8" tall....295/177/170
   — Kathy R.

October 17, 2004
I switched from Celexa to Lexapro several months ago and have had no problems with weight gain. Works fine!
   — koogy

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