I had surgery in July of 02. I was 224 now I am 152, have been for 1.5 years now.

I basically never really followed the guide lines. I thought this was my quick fix. I am now 2.5 years down the road and discouraged with myself( my own fault I know). I want to lose another 37 pounds. I am having several issues at home(with my boys) and have started anti-depressants (Wellbutrin)now. My question is I was reading some old magazines and came across an article on Protein Power Soup in Womans World. I know that 70 % of the weight loss is from surgery so I know the rest HAS to be up to me. Has anyone read this article? It is supposed to help lose weight fairly easily. I do know in the past when I did Atkins or Protein Power I did lose, so that is why I thought maybe this would help. Just to jumpstart the weight loss then follow the plan. I can follow the plan pretty good if I stick with it about 2 weeks to get rid of the suger cravings. I also do not dump so that is no help in not eating whatI am not to. I think I am finally ready to get on the ball and lose the weight. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Also I do not think I have much self control so a pre made out food plan is ok by me,which is what is in the magazine. It is a regular high protein breakfast then soup for lunch and dinner with snacks in- between.    — Lynne K. (posted on December 3, 2004)

December 3, 2004
Actually, even though you claim not to have 'followed the guidelines - you are still a WLS sucess. You have lost what is expected. You were not guaranteed 100% weight loss. So in that area you did just fine and it seems you have maintained it. The last 'pounds' alot of us have to work for.. thats normal and YES you can make it! Just like any 'normal' person diet and excerise will get you there.. good luck!
   — star .

December 3, 2004
I'm a firm believer that protein (supplement) is the key to long term success. However, I don't think soup has much place in our lives as a staple. If you want to start over, I have a lil plan you could try that is simpler than this, I think. More normal eating. If you do nothing but protein shakes (no milk, no juice, no fruit in them) and salads (or cooked veggies and meat/fish) for about 3 days, you will be able to turn the sugar cravings way, way down. Then you'd be able to address a new plan, whatever it is.
   — vitalady

December 3, 2004
First of all, be proud of the success you have already achieved. Second of all, be proud of yourself for being ready (again) to take the initiative to get going. My only words of advice are: make sure that you are really ready to go on this diet. Alot of people seem to have outstanding results on the protein diet, but as they start to fall away from it, they gain all the weight back plus more. I wish you the best of luck. Congratulations of your weight loss so far. I hope I can get down to 154 after my surgery.
   — hot-n-sexy-mama

December 4, 2004
Hi, my name is Kay and I am waiting to get a date on the work shop.I called U.M.P.C. and they said I should have a date by Dec.10,2004. I know this has nothng to do with the protien soup but Your weight and mine is the same.I was in the chat room for lap banding (which I want )and they all told me i wasn't heavy enough,which discouraged me very much.Also they said the lap banding is a wast of time.I'm to chicken to have the RNY .My sister had it done and she has been in the hospital so many times with comcplication ,it's scary to me.I have tried all the diets and the weight centers,this is my hope to find some peace of mind and to love myself.I have had 3 operations on my back and I have pain 24/7,my right leg goes numb on me. I am also taking prozac.Can you tell me if you had the RNY or the Lap Banding done.Oh the high protien gave me high chlostrol.also I found out that when I cut my carbs out I lost but as soon as i added them I gained more back then I lost.I'm 52 years old .I got every tape and diet plan on t.v if you want i will give them to you.thanks for your time and good luck with the weight loss.You can do it !!!! never give up.....I will pray for you.Take care Kay
   — goldenswan

December 6, 2004
Lynne, I went to your profile but couldn't figure out what size you are now at 152. The reason I ask is that 37 more pounds to lose is alot and may be an unrealistic goal to not only reach but even more importantly, maintain. You need to choose a goal weight that is comfortable and that you can MAINTAIN. Some post-ops choose these low sizes and while they can often reach the single digit sizes, its impossible to live a normal life and maintain those low weights. Some can do it but I'm telling you most can't and its hard work, so first off, reassess your weight goals. I would also concur with the others that say not to go to a soup diet. One thing about planned diets, they have to be diets that you can live with for life, otherwise as soon as you get off the soup diet or Atkins or Jenny Craig or any of them, the bad habits come back and weight comes back on. Better to eat normally. Eat several small meals a day and I say several because a goal is to keep from getting hungry so as soon as you feel hungry eat but choose good protein first meals and snacks. Cut way back on the bad carbs (keep the good ones like beans and veggies), lower or eliminate sugar (I prefer lowering but some have to give it all up, which TO ME is not normal, and the key is eating what is normal for you). For example, a good day for me is 2 scrambled eggs with cheese for breakfast, grilled chicken over salad for lunch and a grilled piece of fish with veggie for dinner. Add some snacks like fruit, protein bar, nuts, occasional sweet treat, like a cookie. Now you have to include tons of water (get rid of all other liquids), and no drinking with or right after meals. And exercise. Heart pumping cardio burns the calories and thats what you need to lose, take in less or burn more. If you combine both, taking in less and burning more, well, quicker weight loss. Good luck.
   — Cindy R.

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