Can anyone tell me there experience after a revision.

Had previous open rny aug of 2001. Lost 100 lbs have gained about 30 lbs. Starting weight was 363 now 286 can eat large amounts of food and always hungery. Had UGI and Endco my food opening is too large and stomach is also large no staple line disrupts but very little bypassed with such a great starting weight. Iam not transcected. Will be having a revision upon insurance approval. What kid of loss should I expect doctor will bypass more transect and make my food opening smaller as well as a smaller pouch....Thanks    — Sheltone E. (posted on January 2, 2005)

January 2, 2005
Hey that you...the one previously from Germany? This is Victoria formerly from Aviano. Email me with your number so I can call you. I'm here for you! Love and Hugs, Victoria :)
   — perezrdh

January 2, 2005
I hope you will consider revision to a DS before you go forward with another version of RNY. You will almost certainly get better weight loss with the DS.
   — [Deactivated Member]

January 4, 2005
I agree with the previous poster. You should check out the DS surgery. I recently read an article that in California when a revision is needed... the DS should be given a high level of consideration. I myself had an RNY (prox 100cm) and I'm doing well with this surgery. Some however don't do as well with the restrictive WLS. Good luck!
   — SJP

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