What to take to hospital, what to eat post-op,etc.

Hi everyone - I posted this and got only 2 responses so I'll try again. I'm going for surgery 11/11. Any last questions for surgeon, what should I have in house to eat when I return, Neccessity of private room? I really appreciate your answers?    — jennifer H. (posted on October 22, 1999)

October 22, 1999
Before I had my surgery I was told to take chap stick (for dry lips and mouth), a desk fan (for the warm room), and a good book (if you happen to get bored), other than that you'll probably won't even feel like changing into your own pj's. Also most importantly take a positive attitude. I would'nt worry too much about having a private room or sharing a room unless you have to your privacy and can afford it. Much success on your surgery.
   — Pam P.

October 22, 1999
Before I had my surgery I was told to take chap stick (for dry lips and mouth), a desk fan (for the warm room), and a good book (if you happen to get bored), other than that you'll probably won't even feel like changing into your own pj's. Also most importantly take a positive attitude. I would'nt worry too much about having a private room or sharing a room unless you have to your privacy and can afford it. Much success on your surgery.
   — Pam P.

October 22, 1999
Hi, I took 1 pair of panties and a sleeping type of tshirt(the long type) to wear home as I did not want anything to rub on the surgery site. Kmart sells those shirts in a 3x. Also remember to take a pair of slippers that you can just slip your feet into. You don't want to have to bend over to get them on your feet. Also a robe that you can slip on and off of 1 arm and still be able to cover with as you will have an IV in one arm for the majority of the hospital stay. And you will be cateterized also so you might want to consider something long to cover the bag when you are walking in the halls. You will be up and walking the day after surgery. I stocked up on broth(chicken and vegetable only), and I made the mistake of buying several 6 packs of slim fast like the literature said, only to get home and find out it is way to sweet for me and it made me very ill. I could drink diluted apple juice and diluted cranberry juice. So buy a few bottles of each. Also after a couple of weeks I could have tomatoe soup. So several cans of that. Protein powder and soy milk were bought early as I am lactose intolerant. You could try lactaid milk or non fat milk also. The good thing about soy milk is that it will keep in the cupboard for a couple of months and 7-10 days in the frig after it is opened. Or soy milk comes in a powdered form also. The protein powder is a must from the beginning as you need it to maintain lean muscle. Most health food stores and a lot of grocery stores carry protein powder. Canned tuna in water is something you can also have early. And most important is crystal light powder for drinks and sugar free popsicles. When nothing else works sometimes popsicles will. And I found that very cold crystal light and gatorade kept the thirstys at bay. If you can handle cotage chees that is something else you can have early. OH YEAH! And don't forget that you have to crush all medications! So remember to ask your docs if it is ok to crush all of your meds. I had to chande my blood pressure meds and could not take Motrin for arthritis any longer because of this. It was really a pain. You will need to take a Bugs bunny with iron or a Flintstones with iron childrens chewable vitamin every day. And some type of calcium supplement also. Like a Tums with calcium. at least 2 tablets per day. I take 2 childrens vitaamins per day and personally like the bugs bunny sugar free with iron the best. Oh another thing, while you are still in the hospital ask the nurses for some extra of the little medicine cups the bring meds in as they are usually 1 ounce size. And 3 ounces per hour is all I could have for the first 2 weeks after surgery. Those little cups (like from nyquil) are just the right size to keep by your table so you remeber how much you have had so far in the hour. After a few hours you tend to loose track. I mixed the juice and then each hour poured what I was to have. Hope this helps and if you have other questions please feel free to email me. [email protected] Good luck Cheri Hayworth 4 months post op and 75 pounds gone forever!
   — Cheri H.

October 22, 1999
I took sweats mostly to wear home. I used two hospital gowns, backwards and forwards and non slip footies to walk. Try and walk as soon as you can. I was up and walked a little bit the day after surgery. I was on ice chips for 3 days after surgery. They come in two flavors - plain and chlorine flavored. Ha Ha. Ive been post op now for three weeks and it has been an adjustment. Cooked vegatables, soups soft foods are the order of the day. One of the side things that happened to me is a desire to eat healthy. I also now east until I f almost feel full and then stop. I did over eat once and boy did I get nauseous. Thats is how I know if I over eat so you have to be careful. I have lost 37 lbs since surgery. Good Luck and feel fee to email me. i am on the list for Ohio.
   — snicklefritz

October 23, 1999
Hi, Jennifer--I'm 3.5 months postop(open RNY), down 68 pounds, started at 334# (and am 47 years old). I had a private room in the hospital and I am happy I did because my husband stayed with me each evening. With the NG tube, drainage tubes, IV tube, its hard to get around without help (like to the bathroom). Also, I could close the door if I wasn't up to visitors just then (and I did that--my husband put a nice little sign on my 2nd day postop, which was rough for me). As for when you get home, pre-arrange to have a recliner to sleep in if you can--that seems to work well for most of us. Other choices are wedge pillows or lots of other pillows--the first few days its hard to get comfortable in a semi-lying position, so you need "help" (pillows, etc). As to food, I was on a liquid diet for a 3 weeks, so keep unsweetened apple or pineapple juice, sugar-free jello, Ensure (a protein drink), chicken broth. Later you can have cream of wheat, cottage cheese, rice--check with your dietician. You will also need to drink LOTS of water (in tiny sips at first), so keep either bottled water or other water containers handy. When I first got home, I was able to get around easily (but slowly) and I didn't have much stamina. I'd say have someone with you or close by for 2 or 3 days, then you ought to be able to be on your own, if necessary. Have lots of loose fitting clothing (my stretch pants hurt my incision, so I stayed in muu-muus,gowns, etc.)I never needed pain meds after the hospital--liquid Tylenol worked great for me. I couldn't drive for 3 weeks, but I did start walking the day after surgery (only for a couple of minutes), then have walked every day since. I started at 5 minutes, and gradually worked my way up to 30 minutes daily now. Hope all this helps--I'll add you to my prayer list! Charlene
   — charlene M.

October 23, 1999
Hi, Good luck with your surgery. It's the beginning of the rest of your life, much improved life. Anyway, have at home cans of soup- cream of chicken, tomato, chicken noodle (you'll be taking out the noodles), broths, jello's- variety of flavors, puddings, cream of wheat or malto meal, oatmeal. juices, may need to dilute with water, sugar free drinks, like crystal lite or sugar free kool aid. Maybe, a box of crackers, like Ritz if doc allows this. No, a private room isn't necessary. Might be nice though.First day and first time up is the worst, then it's home sailing from there. Use the pain meds, you'll need them. Especially before getting up. Don't be brave, use whatever you can. Bring with you your robe, slippers, underwear, pair of socks (if you have cold feet), toothbrush,toothpaste,brush/comb,reading material, glasses if you need them.Travel light, won't be there that long and first few days won't feel too much like reading. Get up and walk, it's what's going to help you the most. Also, you might ask about an abdominal binder, if getting up terribly painful. When I had my surgery, the nurses made one up from a sheet and really helped hold everything in, when getting up. Once again, best of luck to you.Life is wonderful when at a normal weight. And you're taking the most important step to get there. Blessings, Bev
   — BJ K.

October 25, 1999
as far as food, everyone tells you baby food. i ate maybe 2 jars of babyfood and gave the rest away. i ate lots of mashed potatoes and applesauce, drank lots of milk with carnation instant breakfast, popcicles and malt o meal. start easy and work up slowly. good luck
   — julie S.

October 26, 1999
You have gotten lots of excellent advice so far. I agree that you should pack very light for the hospital. Just take basics (toothbrush and paste, shampoo, deodorant and slippers). The chapstick is a great idea. I used it alot. When you get home, the low fat cream soups, broths, jello, puddings, juice and instant mashed potatoes (add broth, soup or buy flavored for variation). Also, cottage cheese and eggs. I add garlic salt to the cottage cheese for flavor. To get protein in without using the awful tasting powders, here is the recipe my surgeon uses. Take 2 cups milk, 1 packet carnation inst breakfast (sugar free, any flavor) and 1/2 cup inst milk and blend. Tastes best if very cold. Add extracts for flavor variation. I have to drink 2 of these a day for first 6 weeks and it gives about 75 g of protein a day plus what I get in food. Your dr may have other opinions on food and duration. I have to eat the above for 6 weeks. Others are allowed weel cooked/blended things sooner. Depends on your dr. Good luck. It is easier than you think, but remember 2 things...the surgery is just a tool and you cannot do it alone so don't try. Come here for all the support you want and need! We are a family!
   — Vickie B.

October 26, 1999
The most important things for me in the hospital were my own comfy pillow (hospital pillows are terrible!) and my slippers (slid my feet right into them without having to bend over). Best of luck to you. 11/11 is my son's birthday, so I know it is a lucky day! Lynn
   — Lynn K.

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