
PLEASE, IF YOU READ NOTHING ELSE, READ THIS!!! With most everyone on any of the support sites, the biggest obstacle we face is insurance. We have an option if we all work together. A group of us in Dallas is forming a foundation to take this to the top. We want to enlist the aid of the ACLU to fight for our rights, as well as bombarding congress with our letters. Every other group does. Why shouldn't we? They think we won't do it because we don't want to be seen. It's time to take action. What we plan is to collect email addresses from anyone who wants to participate over the next 90 days. At the end of June, we will send out a sample letter and a link to the ACLU site and how to get in touch with your congressman and senator, both on a national and state level. We want everyone to bombard their offices with email or postcards, telling them it's time we are heard. We are shooting to do this the week of the 4th of July - Independence Day - independence from obesity and food! Why can alcoholics get treatment and not be told to stop drinking? Why can drug abusers get treatment and not be told to stop or bulimics told to eat? People don't want to look at us or acknowledge us. If we band together, we can get this through. As you may have seen on earlier posts, obesity is already a protected class under the American's with Diabilities Act. We need to stand up and be heard. If you would like to participate in our grassroots movement, simply send your email with the subject line "INDEPENDENCE DAY" to [email protected]. Your name will not be sent to anyone for any use. I, too, am fighting for this surgery. Please join us and send this email to anyone else you know who wants this, has had this, or supports us in anyway and ask them to help us. LET'S BE HEARD.    — shirley denmark chitjian (posted on May 14, 2000)

May 14, 2000
I am so happy to see someone taking this kind of position. Thank you! Everyone who has ever had to haggle with an insurance company should be responding to this. I really wish we could have gotten the on-line petition up on this site - perhaps this will motivate to site owner. We could become a powerful lobbying force for our cause. I really hope everyone takes a few moments to do this.
   — jeff P.

May 14, 2000
I realize that I'll be in a very small minority here, but personally, I don't like the idea of Congress telling my insurance carrier what treatments it *must* offer. If we're going to socialize medicine, fine. In fact, I'm in favor of it, so that all people have equal access to health care. Until we make that change, I don't want Congress determining what is and is not covered by my policy. Again, that's just my opinion; YMMV.
   — Duffy H.

May 14, 2000
I think this is a wonderful idea, and will support it 100%..Now I would like to comment on the post that said they didnt want Congress telling their insurance company what to do and what not to do. This person must have not had to endure what most had to, with this surgery and being discriminated against by people, and told that their lives we're NOT worth saving..*hmmm What a shame...Anyway...Please SUPPORT This Idea EVERYONE! And pass it on, its the only way to make sure that our family friends, love ones, and people that truly need this surgery will get it...:o)
   — Ann A.

May 17, 2000
Count on me! I totally agree with you! I have been fighting with my insurance for almost a year now. I think its time that the Morbidly Obese be heard. I have already wrote to my State Rep. Doug Gunnels, Senator Frist, and Congressman John Duncan, Jr. I am proud to say Congressman Duncan wrote me back. I still haven't heard from the others. I am hoping I will soon though. I think we should write letters until we are blue in the face. Then finally maybe everyone would see we are serious and need help. We will not go away. I know I won't! *smiles* I am behind you a 100% and please email me and let me know what I can do to help. *smiles*
   — Stacy P.

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