Scared but excited

I am about 4 weeks away from my surgery date and the closer it gets, the more terified I become. Don't get me wrong, I have given this alot of thought and KNOW that it is what is right for me, but I have never been scared about anything like this before!!!!! Has this happend to anyone else?? Everyone always seems so excited about the surgery and here I am TERRIFIED!! I could use any and all input on the this!! You can email me at: [email protected] or just post it...I thank you in advance for all of your advice...this is such a GREAT site with wonderful people!! Thanks, Melissa    — mrinehart (posted on July 11, 2000)

July 11, 2000
Melissa, I had my surgery on the 7th of this month. It was a piece of cake. Just listen to your doctor and the staff and you will do just fine. I ate when I felf like it no pressure at all. I walked when I felt like it. I also had the morphine button for pain and not the epideral it worked wonders I had no pain at all and I still haven't had any. I got on the scale at home right before I went to the hospital because I knew they would weigh me there too I wanted to make sure my scale and the hospital scale said the same thing and it did. I weighed myself this morning and I've already lost 5 lbs. So there is really nothing to worry about just get your pain medicine before the pain starts and eat on those wonderful ice chips and you will do just fine. Also, breath and cough as much as you can too now with the coughing have them make you up a little pillow to hold on your stomach that will make it easier and also make sure you have some lip balm. Any other questions please feel free to ask. Hang in there, Diane P.S. I also think that the way you go into this is what you'll bring out of it so go in there with a POSITIVE ATTITUDE
   — Diane C.

July 11, 2000
Melissa, I didn't get REALLY scared until I had to say "goodbye" to my kids just before they wheeled me into the operating room. Prior to that, I just kept telling myself that "surgery is no big's done all the time". I thought about the many, many people I know personally who've had sugical procedures done thoughout the years, including my uncle who had quadruple bypass surgery last year (and he's doing great!). I didn't trivialize it, but it did help to put my own surgery into perspective. I sometimes wonder what it is that we're most frightened of...the surgery itself or the "new life" we're walking into. Or, are we simply scared that this is just going to "something else" that doesn't work?? I wish I could say that my own surgery was a "piece of cake", but, alas, it wasn't. I didn't have any complications, but it WAS more painful than I thought it would be. But the bottom line here is, that I DID IT! I took charge of my life and did something positive to improve it. Yes, I took a chance, but isn't that what life is all about? Sometime "change" is scary, but allowing ourselves to continue living in pain is more the coward's way out. This is a very BRAVE step that you're taking, Melissa. You're taking your life back, proud of that and face it head on! You go girl! cj
   — cj T.

July 11, 2000
Hi Melissa, My surgery is two weeks away, I am scared also but if I wasn't scared then something would be wrong with me. So it's ok to feel that way. I think you will feel like that right up until they give you that anesthisia. Good Luck, God Bless Charlene
   — darkbrowngirl2003

July 11, 2000
Melissa, I was very brave until the day before, and then I PANICKED! I spent most of the day crying and hanging out in the chat room. Thankfully, the people in there were so supportive, and didn't seem to mind reassuring me over and over and over and over...... You get the picture! Needless to say, I made it without any complications and am down 77 lbs. You are totally normal: My advice- keep coming here and talking about your fears. Those of us who have been through it can relate and encourage you. The more you talk it out, the better! Good luck and hang in there!
   — M B.

July 11, 2000
If it was possible to die of fear, I would be six feet under by now! I was so scared I would shake when I thought about it. I had to discuss home improvement projects with my husband as I was in the pre-op room to think of something else and not jump off the table. I also started to try to convince myself that I could loose the weight on my own and not go to such drastic measures (like I never tried hard before.) Anyway, I had the open RNY on 5/25/00 and it was so much easier than I thought! I don't regret it for a second!
   — Gail G.

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