How can you avoid being sick after anesthesia for the surgery?

I've had surgery before and get violently ill when I wake up. The docs tried meds for motion sickness, etc., but so far nothing works. Any suggestions?    — [Anonymous] (posted on July 31, 2000)

July 31, 2000
Tell your anesthesiologist about this problem before he knock's you out. They have drugs that they can give you in your IV before you even wake up. I have had the nausea problems from general anesthesia before too, but the new drugs they have can work really well. I had no nausea when I woke up from my wls. Good Luck!
   — Lynn K.

July 31, 2000
TELL the anesthesia how sick you got. There are all sorts of new drugs available. GOD bless SHIRLEY C.
   — [Anonymous]

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