After two tries to get a referral from pcp for WLS

After asking the membership here for advice or who their pcp was to try to get a pcp who would refer for WLS, I was successful. My reason for this post; persistence does pay off. I read so many posts of others so frustrated in the same boat as me. The methods do work and this was the first time she saw me. While we had an hour appointment scheduled because I was a new patient she concentrated mainly on what I wanted to discuss which was WLS. We filled in all that other health information on stuff you need to do routinely after geting to the WLS issue. I started out talking with her about some of my health concerns that are excasberated by the weight. I gave her a very short (for me) chronological history of my weight loss attempts and gains and then told her how I started researching the gastric bypass info then said straight out that I wanted WLS. She asked questions and read my prepared manuscript. She then went over some med history to fill out her forms. She said that in order to be in the best shape for surgery these things would need to be done. She told me she had no problems giving me a referral and scheduled me for those yearly them!!! UGH Asked me about dental work and told her getting that taken care of 9-22, because she said I need to not have any dental problems. She said the next step is to see if I make a good surgical candidate and asked who I wanted to see ...they would check and see if my insurance covers either of them...does. To those who feel so defeated after the pcp puts you off. DO NOT give up. Fire him and go on. I believed this when the first two turned me down and were unkind, but it hurt, none the less> We need to keep moving on.    — JennyLynn A. (posted on September 11, 2000)

September 11, 2000
Fabulous! Wonderful! The moral of the story: Don't give up the fight!!! Congratulations.
   — Paula G.

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