does anyone know what the pre opt testing are for the Bariatic Treatment Center?

Is the testing the same for everyone? How far is the testing away from the surgery date? What if you fail one of the test? can you do anything to prevent from failing? Please help    — [Anonymous] (posted on September 13, 2000)

September 13, 2000
I had my surgery at BTC, Michigan. My pre-op was 13 days before surgery. I had a CBC, urinalysis, gallbladder ultrasound, respiratory and EKG. As far as I could figure this was the minimum. I also had a latex sensitivity blood test done at a local hospital. If I had shown a sensitivity, they would have scheduled me on a certain day when they only use plastics. Keep in mind, however, that my only co-morb is arthritis in one knee. Oh yeah, I had a latex sensitivity blood test done at a local hospital. If I had shown a sensitivity, they would have scheduled me on a certain day when they only use plastics. If you have more co-morbs than I did, the appropriate tests will likely be done. I didn't fail any tests (not even the latex), so I do not know how the surgery would have been affected if I had. Good Luck and God Bless!
   — Allie B.

September 13, 2000
I had my pre-op testing done at BTC in Belvidere 8 days before my surgery. Previously, Dr. Boe had requested that I receive a cardiac clearance for surgery (I'm Hypertensive) and that I be screened for sleep apnea (I suspected that I had sleep apnea but hadn't been tested). At the pre-op I had a CBC, an urinalysis, some pulmonary function tests, a chest X-ray. They attempted to do an arterial blood gas but couldn't get a draw. Since I had already had my gall bladder removed I didn't need an ultrasound.
   — Nanette T.

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