MY BMI is 39.1 5'6 242lbs what are the chances for surgery?

I have feet and ankle pain, shortness of breath easily and everyday headaches. I've been told by many that my chances for this surgery are not good. Obesity runs in the family.    — Heather C. (posted on December 7, 2000)

December 7, 2000
seriously how long would it take to gain 10 lbs not long do not go to the Doctor with a BMI under 40 insurance can turn you down and you will have to wait for 6 m months to reapply I am 5 5 1/2 and starting weight was 238 but the time i had surgery it was 260 just go in after the holidays your bound to gain wieght then think of this as a free for all Xmas eat any thing you want and as much as you want you will hit that 40 BMI in no time
   — Kathleen M.

December 7, 2000
Hi...really, it starting BMI wasn't 40 either, and I wasn't 100 lbs. overweight, but..I had several comorbidities...and a good doctor with good staff who helped me through it all. I did gain up some, but..only after I was approved for surgery...'cause I was trying to get in anything and everything I could, I think..hehehe. Good luck, and God speed! Terri
   — Terri G.

December 7, 2000
Heather, Most Dr. scales are higher anyway. They are not going to measure your height. Tell them you are an inch shorter, and wear heavy clothing. Instant higher BMI!! Good Luck -
   — CohenHeart

December 7, 2000
My BMI was 38. I wanted surgery because of my co-morbidities, but was afraid the insurance company wouldn't approve me. I stuffed myself at every meal AND ate 1000 extra calories a day in candy bars (I hope to never even see another Milky Way as long as I live) for six weeks and guess what? I lost two pounds! Go figure. A friend of mine managed to gain 25 lbs, though, so go for it. (Don't count on misrepresenting your height -- my doctor measured.) PS: I did get approved after all, without a fight, in spite of my "low" BMI.
   — Linda B.

December 8, 2000
I had a BMI of 38.9. I was approved no problem. I had snoring, lots of dieting, knee pain and swollen ankles to add to the list of problems. I was also exactly 100 pounds overweight if you judged from the absolute lowest I should weigh on the doctor's chart. I wore a sweater and had lots of change in my pockets when I went to get weighed.
   — Anne D.

December 8, 2000
I didn't have a BMI of 40 either. I thought that I would not get apporved by my insurance and was ready to put up a good fight. A few weeks later BTC called and asked when I wanted to schedule my appointment. I was so excited and still am. I have some co-morbidities along with the weight so that probably helped me get approved. I had asthma, shortness of breath, a thyroid problem, and several others. The best of luck to you.
   — [Anonymous]

December 17, 2000
Thank you all who answered to my post.... Well I gained a little more ;) or is it ;( not sure yet.. The papers were sent out last Wed so,,,, we will see... thanks fo all of the input.... God bless and Happy holidays....... heather
   — Heather C.

December 17, 2000
Thank you all who answered to my post.... Well I gained a little more ;) or is it ;( not sure yet.. The papers were sent out last Wed so,,,, we will see... thanks fo all of the input.... God bless and Happy holidays....... heather
   — Heather C.

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